No, I already understood all that. But at the end of the day, "money is money" and "the cost of living is too high". I'd go and find a meme with a developers need to eat too sign, but alas, I'm lazy.
I've personally never been bothered by paid content in a free to play game. I've never spent a dime on it though... not because I'm greedy, but because it's not in my budget. My poor minimum wage income barely cover my rent after all (also why I can't donate), but I ask: why not take money from those rich kids who have it? As long as it's not something that gave a completely unfair advantage (i.e. holographic cards, unique marks).
I never realized there were those out there like yourself that viewed such simple marketing tricks with disdain. I mean, I agree that they're not exactly classy these days with the bad rep they've gained (nods to a couple unmentioned games) but again: "money is money".