I dont think people understood maths point. It wasnt so much "We dont want any new cards" it was "Before you make new cards, first fix the existing card pool so that the cards are used a lot more evenly." This wouldnt technically raise the card pool, but it would increase the amount of viable decks, and in a way, increase the card pool.
Ill say what I have always said when it comes to new cards though. Special cards are fun, but vanilla cards can be added in more mass, and also make decks more "fun". For example, a I would build and play with a deck that is all fire dragons. Some would be cheap, some would be expensive (no more expensive than the current dragon) and most of them could be vanilla. It may not be the most effecient deck, but Id have the ability to role play a bit and be a dragon tamer in elements, and to me, that is more enjoyable than getting the strongest deck and rushing through the ai.
30 card deck minimum, we will say a generic 10 pillars. That leaves 20 slots, so 5 crimson dragons, 5 fire drakes (5/2 vanilla dragon) 3 dragon eggs (hatches into a random fire dragon 0/5), 4 dragon riders (7/2) and 3 Dragons of the East (3/9). Only 1 of the new cards I mentioned actually has an effect, the names suck cause im no good at them, but the deck itself would allow me to actually have some fun. Right now, even if Im not playing seriously, and want to have some fun with my deck, it is very hard to make a single theme for any 1 element due to all new cards having a special effect, and therefor taking longer to develop and being harder to balance. I love making a 3 scorpion deck and palying with it even though its not the best deck ever because its fun. Its almost impossible to make a deck like that though, and it be at all serious due to the randomness of needing over 3 quanta sources (momentum, or other buff for 0 attack scorpion)