Alright, since someone else already posted a suggestion here, I'm just going to go ahead and post mine as well. I really, really love this game - pretty much everything about it. My only problem is that I don't have the time to participate in things like Tournaments, Leagues, War, etc. I really wish I did, and I've tried, but in the end things happen and I can't keep up my commitments. Normally, this is fine as it only affects me. But for something like War (which I haven't tried to participate in, btw, it lets others down.) So I just don't do them. Again, all that's okay, it's a part of life. But it means that my only avenue to getting nymphs is through the oracle... which is by far the most frustrating aspect to the game to me.
Now, I get that they're super ultra rare cards, and I like that about them. I really do, and I agree that they should be. But couldn't there be new questlines where the end result is winning a nymph? And I'm talking hard questlines here. And a different one for each nymph. Like 10-12 progressively harder matches until you end up fighting the "Nymph Lord" of a particular element or something like that. Hell, I'll even take something like 25 matches if you really want to go balls to the wall with it. I mean, then you're talking 120-300 matches (not counting losses) just to get one of each. I don't want them to be easy to get, I'd just like an option to pursue them other than complete and total randomness.