Looking at the list of changes, in general I think that most of them are a good thing.
1. Shard of gratitude heals 3 (5 if
mark) both for upped and unupped(cost 5)
This is a good thing. It makes the card strictly worse than sanctuary in nonlife decks, and makes it harder to heal in decks that have no business being as good at healing as they were with 5hp/turn at 3 cost.
2. Shard of Divinity adds 16 (24 if
mark) both for upped and unupped(cost 5)
This is good as well. It gives less hp than Heal to nonlight, and costs more. It might be overcosted at 5, but we'll see.
3. Shard of Patience non
creatures gain +1/+0
Prevents the ball lightning/fractal thing and minimizes the benefit for nonwater, while still giving nonwater something. I like the change.
4. Shard of sacrifice HP cost increased to 40/32 if upped
That's a hefty hp cost to play, and that might be enough to balance the amazing power of the card. It's definitely still playable even with that hp cost.
5. Shard of readiness lets
creatures use their skill immediately and twice (instead of adrenaline)
Definitely a good idea. The adrenaline thing was basically making an 'other' version of adrenaline that just happened to also make any skill cost zero. This gets the card back to the main focus, making the ability cost 0, while still giving a usable extra ability to Time. One of my favourite targets for this card are nymphs, and Golden Nymph definitely benefits from this one.
5. Explosion cost increased to 3/2
Definitely a good thing; explosion at 2/1 was one of the culprits behind fire's problems.
6. Ash stats decreased to 0/5
That puts Ash in killing range of a few more cards; that's a good thing. I don't think it wil make a huge difference, and it certainly won't turn anybody off from playing phoenixes.
7. Shroedinger cat skill cost reduced to 1
Might as well; that will help make it more usable. It's a change I wasn't at all expecting, but I think one for the better.
8. Immolation
gain reduced to 6(8upped)
I'd suggested a few changes to this card, and while this wasn't one of them, I think it's a step in the right direction. The suggestions I'd made in another thread were either to require a fire creature as the sacrifice, which would slow it down as there are no 0 cost fire creatures, or to increase the base cost from 0 to 1 and the gain from 7 to 8(9 to 10) which would have kept the gain amonut the same while requiring either towers, novas, or some other way of getting that first quanta.
9. Quanta pool capped at 50 quanta per element
My first instinct was to say 'this sucks donkey balls', but after thinking about it, maybe it's not so bad. It does mean a few other things need to be worked out before this goes live. Stone Skin might need to be improved, unless hurting 500hp EM decks was part of the goal. The false god Decay no longer even has the win condition that it once had with siphon life, as that would cap at 12hp; he'll need something like Obsidian Dragon even more than he did before. (he was the weakest FG -before- this change; now he will be even more of a joke) Jezebel might need a buff, too, though she isn't as reliant on Siphon Life as a finisher like Decay is. Fire bolt/Ice Bolt/Drain Life all take a hit, but mostly for/vs the AI; in pvp, 50 quanta isn't achieved nearly as often as, say, against false gods, because pvp games are generally quite short in comparison. Dissipation Shield/Field also takes a hit, since you won't be able to get those massive quanta pools anymore, but it's probably still usable.