Don't ascribe malice where none exists. I'm an amateur game designer, and I'm honestly curious as to what you think the final game-state in PVE play should be.
You don't want to win every time or even predictably, because that's not a game, it's a grind. A game needs to be challenging to be fun.
You don't want to lose every time or even predictably, because that's not a game, it's just a waste of time. A game needs to be winnable to be fun.
SO -- you have a scenario where you've maximized your resources, and you win some and you lose some, mostly unpredictably (I understand that some FGs are predictable for some decks, but that's not really a problem as your chances of facing any particular FG are fairly slim). Is that not exactly where you want to be in terms of actually having a fun game?
I just don't get what you don't understand.
The difficulty level is fine. I just want my wins and losses to be less about the luck of the draw and more about how smart I am and my knowledge of the game.
The game was made "challenging" (in the mind of the developers) by giving the FGs huge advantages over us (like 200 life, draw two cards per turn, etc). They chose to do this more so than making it about how smart the AI is. That's fine, I'm not criticizing, but now they are getting into finer points of the AI, the game is going to have to be looked at from a balance standpoint. A smarter AI will need fewer advantages (again such as 200 life, drawing two cards, etc) to beat us.
I don't care where they put that balance. I don't care what my or anyone else's win% is. If I only win 25% of my games, fine. I simply want my wins and losses to be more about skill and less about luck. I think that it is awesome that the AI is getting smarter. I want to continue to see the game improve in that manner.
As I said before, I can think of dozens of ways to improve the AI. If every single one of those ideas were implemented (and I think they eventually will be) then it would be almost completely impossible to beat the FGs with the advantages that the FGs currently have. Since the recent patches, the AI is getting smarter and it is becoming more about waiting for a good draw. If the AI were as smart as I am then it would be a heck of a lot less about luck and more about skill. Yes, there would still be luck involved but a LOT less.
Do you understand that? I don't mind if you disagree. I just want to make sure that I am expressing myself clearly.
I have had this discussion in several other threads and I have to say that most of the responses are "the game isn't supposed to be easy". That tells me that either people are ignorant and arrogant or I am completely failing to express my opinion and vision of the future of this game.
I know that I am right about the future of this game. It will completely be about chucking our hand 9 times out of 10 as the AI gets smarter because we need to wait for a huge draw to even have the chance at winning. I'm not saying where the win% should be, I'm just saying that if I lose 9 out of 10, I want it to be because I didn't focus enough or that my strategy and/or deck needs to be reconsidered and not because I am waiting for a decent draw.