In my opinion English is a ridiculously complicated language. The grammar is far too complex and the spellings are convoluted. Does that mean we're going to change it?
English is complex, my language is complex
We have 3 genders and just 3 times, but czech words inflect in every case. And we also genders divide into paradigms Masculine has 6 paradigms, Femine 4, Neuter 4, and also in our language we say.
That table, he disappeared "Ten stůl, on zmizel" or
That sheep, she disappeared "Ta ovce, ona zmizela", also we have many prefixes and suffixes which always depend on word. Rozzlobit or Rozlobit (Make angry). kamenný or kamený (stony) trojůhelník or trojúhelník (triangle) and don't let me start about numerous exception
But I like my language, it's much more flexible and descriptive than english.