My split personalities now grant me these powers:
Phaeus: Deals massive damage to all hostile targets.
Eclipsis: Completely reflects damage received to the one who inflicted it.
Deimos: Strengthens my defensive power whenever I get damaged.
Solaris: Heals me constantly and revives me automatically when I die.
Logius: Disables the usage of any powers that appear illogical to me. This does not disable my own powers since they're all logical.
Khaos: Steals the power of the target. The target loses his or her power.
I now use Khaos's power to steal Flayne's Antimatter. Since steal does not deal damage, it cannot be inverted by Antimatter. That power is now mine and Flayne has no powers at the moment.
I then use Antimatter to turn the flames on the magic noodles into water. Then I add some spices to turn the water into soup, and eat the magic noodles. I gain its miraculous powers.