It's easier to break the game using that weapon and one arc-angel.
Dammit. Added this to fix Pride + Guardian Angel broken combo:
I know it says damage, but this card actually gives creatures -0/-X, where X = 0-3 | 1-3. Otherwise you can just use Guardian Angel to keep Pride on the field forever. There's no space to add this to the card.
The Earth Nymph.
Your card fix is invalid.
EDIT: Well... it's not too terribly broken. Any minor amounts of CC could kill the nymph, and it's not like 0-3 damage is a whole lot, especially since RNG is a
fickle whore wonderful person who all should worship. Blessed be it's name. Plus, creature-less win-conditions exist, and it's not easy to get out a weapon, then Genesis, then an earth nymph, all in time for 0-3 damage per turn to lock down the enemy.