I am disappointed that you would twist my words so. I did not say that every deck was OP even though they had counters, or that every card was OP. But having counters does not mean that a card isn't OP. Thunderstorm counters SoFo, but that does not mean that SoFo is balanced.
Have you ever noticed that some of the cards which are considered UP are excellent counters against some cards/decks which are considered OP? Thunderstorm, Reflective Shield, Flooding are some examples of cards which are always underestimated but they can wipe out some of the most annoying strategies.
SoF is OP because it has few counters and all of them must be applied in the first turn. After a turn, SoF would be too healthy to be removed with ease. On the other hand, SoW can always be countered or overushed and it can only be used onto expensive creatures (Immortal, Phase Dragon) or it requires a combo (Quintessence & SoW & creature) in order to function.
However, let's compare similar things, SoW with Momentum:
* Both are spells. (even)
* Both bypass non-reflecting shields. (even)
* Momentum bypass reflective shields. SoW doesn't bypass reflective shields. (+ Momentum)
* Momentum creature you controll never damages you. SoW creature you controll damages you if reflected. (+ Momentum)
* Momentum grants +1|+1. SoW grants +4|+0. (+++ SoW, because it is much better than Momentum here)
* Momentum costs 2
. SoW costs 3
(about even here but, since SoW can be used with any element, + SoW)
* Momentum targets non-immortal creature, so it has many targets. SoW targets immortal creature, so it has less targets. (+ Momentum)
* Momentum is easily combined with other buffs (Adrenaline, Blessing etc.). SoW is combined with other buffs only if used on Quintessenced creature. (+ Momentum).
Overall: Momentum = +4, SoW = +4, so they're even, except if someone thinks Momentum is also OP.