To chirp in on the "RT does not kill" comment:
Would it not be considered killing if I had a card that was essentially reverse time but put it on the bottom of the deck? The player would never get that creature back (unless they were against a deck out) and would lose all investment in it.
I continue to feel that RT is overpowered because of how much it shut down. People keep claiming "card advantage!" but what you have right now is a 2quanta 1 card cost card that gives 1 turn draw denial (meaning our card advantage is equal), X quanta denial (cost of the card reversed), X turns of "delaying" the creature (however long before it can be played again), and it eliminates the benefit of every card used to buff (Quanta and card advantage). It can slow rushes enough to set up a solid defense. Only decks that produce much excess quanta and draw power can effectively deal with it. What I would like to see is a counter to it just like there is a counter to other creature control cards, the Heavy mechanic I've seen in particular appeals. This would allow combo decks to risk having some other buffs in favor of being able to avoid it and perhaps give some options in Semi-vanilla creatures to buff or use against it.