I'm currently doing some testing of the suggested version of Nature's Wrath against Aether's last support decks although this might not exactly be the right way of measurement. They seem to prefer PUgons (where it's always better for them to PU an Emerald Dragon) and big stalls.
PUIcegon: Counter, Heals make the difference
Psiontal: No chance, too less Deflags against the Dims. We could hard-counter it by adding 2 Emeralds but this is exactly the reason why we don't expect them to use Psions (well, this is a nice dilemma for both teams, of course).
PUblackgons: Not a counter. Lightnings are able to stall enough and once there is a LS dragon, it's worth more than our Heals.
Earth stall + Fractal Stone Dragon: Not a counter. Too much CC, Stone Skin OP and once a dragon gets fractalled, we lose.
PUazuregons: Shockwave + Lightning = Too much CC. Wins against us even with Sky Blitz.
PUicegons: Closer than I thought (2-1) but shouldn't be too much of a problem. Mind Flayer + Lightning can take out Phoenixes but deflagged Ice Shields and Heals will let us win it.
Mindgate Firestall: Because we're not Team Fire, I don't expect them to play this. I thought that it could hard-counter us, though, if played correctly (Bolts on Dragons, Ragepots for the rest, mindgate pillars, Heals and Phoenixes, then wait for us to deck out), but even then we seem to win by outrushing.
Weird Entropy/Light/Aether trio: Can't be tested vs AI (either deflags pillars/pends and can't play Dissipation Shield correctly). Dunno if hard counter or not a counter. They CC all of our creatures, we deflag their shields. Would work better against us if Quints are exchanged for PUs and the Light part is left out.
Well, I've got no idea what to play. Because of Dims, we need a Fire duo (well, would it be better to use Momentum?) and this is definitely the best build we can play. By the way, I'll be available until short before the deadline, so I'm flexible with scheduling.