How many cards have you done with the 'same as/not of ____ element'? Would it be a series?
Similar cards are only considered series if the maker wants them to be a series and if there are 6 cards present. I don't think my cards are closely related enough to warrant one.
How many cards have you done with the 'same as/not of ____ element'? Would it be a series?
Only one I've seen other than this is the recolored chimera. Honestly, I'm not too much of a fan of hating certain types of elemental decks (mono, duo, rainbow).
IMHO, type hate only comes into play when only 1 type is being hard countered - this card works against duos/trios/rainbows but has little use against a mono (BH in comparison is explicitly set up against rainbows or with Discord). I don't see why this card would be considered hate and more of a counter instead.
Card Updated:
Boost now only comes from creatures.