To start off, I think the only acceptable words are "I'm sorry." And I can say them without a doubt, I do certainly apologize to the organizers, friends, and forum as a whole not that I left, but that I left so unceremoniously and suddenly. I had responsibilities that I was given, nay asked for, and I did not fulfill them when I could have. I was, of course, very busy, and while that is my chief reason for leaving, I cannot say that it was the only one. I have always considered myself to be a very dependable member, logging on unfailingly for years, and so I cannot claim that it was a mere matter of time that kept me away. I lost my interest, the soul that kept me energized and competitive, my edge. This was not a problem with the community but with myself, and after a long break I think it is time to return. The exact capacity to which I am back is yet to be determined, at the moment I plan on entering a few events and re-insinuating myself into the community. I do not think it is fair to ask for either a fresh start or my old privileges, so instead I will ask for a short period in which I can get to know people, know their names, and, should the stars fall right, start working my way back to being a pillar of the community. Eventually, of course, becoming a Tower (Just here for the mediocre pun, the future is, as at all times, uncertain). At some point in the future, though, there will be a thread in Farewell with my name on it, this time for real. Until then I shall populate chat and hopefully events with my name, bad puns, and sarcasm.