Before I came to this topic, I had made a huge article in the Feedback topic covering a bunch of attributes about Elements. Emphasis on my topic title.
Well I guess I should start with how I discovered Elements, come to think of it... I had been here once before, but not to stay.
It's very simple really, one man with the combination of boredom and the internet leads to a lot of miscellaneous web browsing. To be more specific, I had been searching for Online TCG's because I wanted a new card game to pass the time. One link lead to another and bam, Elements. I did shrug the game off about a year ago if I remember correctly. I had been searching for an Online TCG to play and when I clicked the link, I didn't like what I saw. The main log-in screen makes me cringe specifically because shitty TCG's usually follow the same layout. So I closed the tab.
Wow, to be real here I just realized something. I most commonly look for TCG's that has very complex, unique card artwork and layout. You know, something that looks professional, something that you really want to collect because it looks good and has the appeal. Apparently I had put all that aside because of how hooked I was into the gameplay. The TCG I'm playing doesn't really have cards, it has squares with simple art pieces, symbols, and card effects (no offense, that's basically what they look like). I didn't care about how the card looked for once because I was enjoying the game too much!
I know I've kind of drifted off from the whole 'Introduce Yourself' concept but I wanted to get that out. So a little bit about me now, yes?
Well obviously, I like the game and it's developers. I'm your average gamer with too much time on his hands, but I'm always wiling spend that time speaking my mind. I'm a big fan of the Gears Of War, Starcraft, and Pikmin installments. I think the best video game console ever invented was the Nintendo Gamecube. I'm a very fair and reasonable person, there's no argument I can't control (not that I try to avoid them to begin with). I am a Brony (I know it's not necessary to bring that up, but it's a small part of my life... And no, that doesn't mean I 'spam ponies'). Metroid Prime is the greatest game ever, what they are doing to the series makes me sad. And to top it off, one of my favorite past-times is playing Yu-Gi-Oh.
Great game guys/girls (discrimination is bad, mkay.), can't wait to see where you guys/girls go with Elements.
[P.S. Twig is my nickname, not just online.]