As soon as I heard the name Krathos, the RoL-Hope deck immediately clicked. 
Your deck helped me through a lot of False Gods. Kudos, man!
Glad to see such a "legend" as you return, even if just for a visit. 
K-Krathos? As in THE Krathos? RoL Hope Krathos?
Heh, glad to see it was useful. I might update it with some acceptable variations if you people agree it's worth updating, but I think I'd rather leave it be a good old legacy deck. Is it even worth farming FGs anymore? I've read plat arena is the best thing when it comes to farming, and it seemed to be a more stable and fastest income of electrum than grinding FGs, but RoL/Hope doesn't seem to be great with all the amount of annoying shards in most of them :/
I'm currently using an upped variation for arena but it's only until I cash enough electrum to build a top tier deck (it was the only deck I had upgraded on my second account, after I lost my first one).
On a side note, I'm trying to cancel the mails from notifications. Is there a way to disable them without disabling the notifications entirely?