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Battle of the opposites. (Semi-Permalink)
« on: December 14, 2011, 01:12:31 am »
This is the remake of an idea that has been made before, Live or Not (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,21989.0.html)
credits go to people who made it first.

Elementals from all around the world wish to prove that their favorite elements are the bests! and to do so, they participate in the World Battles of the Opposites!

Who can join
Anyone with a forum and chat account can join this event. There will be a limit of 32 players. Unfortunately, unless someone throws in a good alternative idea, the event cannot start until there are 32 players.

What ARE the World Battles of the Opposites?
Each round, the total of players will be seperated in 2 teams of opposite elements ( exemple  :aether and  :time) that will be chosen randomly.Teams have 5 days to face as many people from the opposite team as possible to bring back the victory to their teams.Each person has to play versus at least 2 opponents per rounds, else that person will be kicked out from the event and receive a PvP parasite. (Please TStar, tell me whether or not this is true.)
In later rounds, the lenght will be shortened.

Players will be RNGd into teams.

When teams are made, a leader is chosen. The leader position will go to the Master of this element if he is participating. If not, it will either be chosen by the organiser, randomized, or voted.

Each round will last a week :  2 days to choose the leader( if a vote there is) , and 5 days to play against your opponents. As the event goes on, the dueling time may be reduced.

Point System
Duels are best of 3. You get 1 point for your match for every win you have. If you win the best of 3 versus the leader of your opponents team, you get an additional 3 points.

Once a round is over, the team with the less points is eliminated, and the current team is re-divided into 2 other opposite elements. This goes on until there are only 2 players left, which will have to fight against each other in a best of 5 duel, in which opposite elements will be randomized, for each round.

Deckbuilding Rules
You are allowed to use only 6 cards off your element. All others must be from your element. Exception for pillars and pendulums.

Now, lets make an exemple.
 :aether                         :time
John                               Bob       
Mark                               Sam
Paul                                Joe
...                                    ...
(rest of team 1)              (rest of team 2)
John and bob are the leaders of their respective teams.
Mark plays vs Sam, it ends 2-1. 2 points for Mark's team and 1 point for Sam's.
Paul plays vs Joe , it ends 0-2. 2 points to Joe's team. DO NOT PLAY THE THIRD MATCH .
John plays vs Joe, it ends 2-1. 2 points for John's team and 1 for Joe's. There is no +3 bonus since the leader didn't lose the whole matchup.
Mark plays vs Bob, it ends 2-1. Mark gets 5 points for his team, while Bob makes 1.
... ( rest of matchups)
Then, team 1 won and gets to second round.
 :air                         :earth
John                         Paul
Mark                         Harry ( he was in the ... in the first round)
...                             ...
...                             ...

Then matchups happen, and team air wins.
 :darkness                   :light
John                             Mark
Phillip                           Alex

and now darkness ( as the wonderful element it is) wins.

John plays vs Phillip.
First game,   :entropy VS  :gravity . John wins.
Second game.  :life VS  :death. Phillip wins.
Third game.  :fire VS  :water. John wins.
Fourth game.  :time VS  :aether. Phillip wins.
Fifth game.  :darkness VS  :light. John wins the matchup with 1 hp left, and is the winner of the event.

Please comment, suggest, ask questions. :)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 02:26:45 pm by ji412jo »
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Re: Battle of the opposites. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2011, 01:17:33 am »
..Soo in round 1, 16 people are eliminated? o.o

Also, I was under the impression that the opposite of aether was entropy for some reason. Why is time the opposite?
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Offline MyNameIsJoeyTopic starter

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Re: Battle of the opposites. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2011, 01:19:40 am »
..Soo in round 1, 16 people are eliminated? o.o

Also, I was under the impression that the opposite of aether was entropy for some reason. Why is time the opposite?

Entropy is Gravity's opposite. I'm simply using the game and forums already pre-defined opposites.
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Re: Battle of the opposites. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2011, 01:49:59 am »
Its a cool idea.
But if you kick people who didn't finish 2 matches, you'll end up with an uneven amount of players in a team.

Offline MyNameIsJoeyTopic starter

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Re: Battle of the opposites. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2011, 01:57:38 am »
Its a cool idea.
But if you kick people who didn't finish 2 matches, you'll end up with an uneven amount of players in a team.
True. Perhaps we cna make a thread for subs signup.
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Re: Battle of the opposites. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2011, 04:40:56 am »
These rules could present some horrible balancing problems, especially in the :entropy :gravity matchup with Discord.  Balancing is really going to a massive factor in this with the predetermined matchups.  :aether :time is another one that looks like it could be a disaster since RT/Eternity is effectively useless against :aether.

Also instead of having people pick elements, why not just RNG teams each round to speed it up?  It gets to be a nightmare when half the people don't send picks in which means you can end up with team active vs. team inactive, a recipe for disaster.

Is one-and-done really the best option here?  A player can win 3 matches 2-0 in the first round and still get eliminated.  Instead of entire teams advancing, maybe the players with the most wins each round would advance instead?  This way activity is rewarded, and players stuck on a bad team don't get eliminated despite being successful.
Carpe Diem!!

Offline MyNameIsJoeyTopic starter

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Re: Battle of the opposites. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2011, 11:09:04 am »
These rules could present some horrible balancing problems, especially in the :entropy :gravity matchup with Discord.  Balancing is really going to a massive factor in this with the predetermined matchups.  :aether :time is another one that looks like it could be a disaster since RT/Eternity is effectively useless against :aether.

Also instead of having people pick elements, why not just RNG teams each round to speed it up?  It gets to be a nightmare when half the people don't send picks in which means you can end up with team active vs. team inactive, a recipe for disaster.

Is one-and-done really the best option here?  A player can win 3 matches 2-0 in the first round and still get eliminated.  Instead of entire teams advancing, maybe the players with the most wins each round would advance instead?  This way activity is rewarded, and players stuck on a bad team don't get eliminated despite being successful.
Well, since you are allowed to have 6 off-element cards, gravity can explode discord... and time can explode aether stall and ghost rush.

Yeah, ive thought about RNG teams too to stop power teams from making. I'll look into it.

And yeah, i'd like to keep the first idea of the whole team dieing when it loses. I don't see the problem? in TPvP, if i win and my partners lose, my team dies despite me being successful?
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Re: Battle of the opposites. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2011, 11:00:15 am »
6 off-element cards means you have to power Deflags or any other PC off of Pendulums.  Discord can get out on turn 2.  PC would be at earliest turn 3.  That means you are getting scrambled well before can deflag.  This past Entropy Trials would be a good place to research the issues of a 6 off-element card restriction versus Discord.  Toss in the fact that a Discord/EQ deck is possible and I've love to know what Gravity-based deck can be made to compete with that.

The issue of having all players die is that people will want to get able to choose their teams, meaning power teams will invariably form.  If you RNG teams then you have to be certain that both teams elements are balanced to prevent imbalanced matches.  Like it or not Earthquake and Discord will be extremely powerful cards in this meta as you currently have it set up, and that means if a team gets :entropy or :earth they will have a huge advantage off the start.  That's not really fair.
Carpe Diem!!

Offline MyNameIsJoeyTopic starter

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Re: Battle of the opposites. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2012, 02:28:26 pm »
6 off-element cards means you have to power Deflags or any other PC off of Pendulums.  Discord can get out on turn 2.  PC would be at earliest turn 3.  That means you are getting scrambled well before can deflag.  This past Entropy Trials would be a good place to research the issues of a 6 off-element card restriction versus Discord.  Toss in the fact that a Discord/EQ deck is possible and I've love to know what Gravity-based deck can be made to compete with that.

The issue of having all players die is that people will want to get able to choose their teams, meaning power teams will invariably form.  If you RNG teams then you have to be certain that both teams elements are balanced to prevent imbalanced matches.  Like it or not Earthquake and Discord will be extremely powerful cards in this meta as you currently have it set up, and that means if a team gets :entropy or :earth they will have a huge advantage off the start.  That's not really fair.
Perhaps, i could ban 1 power pvp card in each element?
and im going to RNG teams, thats now clear in my mind

What about something like
 :aether Dimentional shield
 :air Fog
 :darkness Pests
 :death Bonewall
 :earth Earthquake
 :entropy Discord
 :fire Fire Ball
 :gravity Charger
 :life Adrenaline
 :light Miracle
 :time Ghost of the past
 :water squid
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 02:28:11 pm by ji412jo »
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