I know you were probably
expecting reward code/rares in return for your donation. However, please try to keep in mind that a donation (which the button is labeled and it is the word you used here) is a free gift so it comes across quite harsh to say that you will never donate again because one time wasn't rewarded. (No, I'm not saying this sort of result is the norm, should be tolerated, or is OK.)
an act or instance of presenting something as a gift, grant, or contribution.
With all that being put out there, maybe this will actually provide help:
I'd not believe what any non-admin here writes. Contact Higurashi.
I'll "third" this sentiment -
contact Higurashi to state your case and see what can or cannot be done. Also, sending a calm and well-worded email to may or may not yield results.
From what I've seen, this stuff usually gets sorted out to everyone's satisfaction, but not usually until after a long thread of random people saying the person is screwed.
Hopefully we can avoid the really long random thread here with the above suggestions.