I couldn't resist to read this post
I play (well... played because i got banned today for no reason that i know... :/ ) in my netbook Samsung nc10 and i have no problem at all. It has a 1.6 Intel atom and 1 giga ram.
I'm curious about if you have problems with another programs or games. I.E., if you try to play another game (fullscreen) do you get problems?
Also, are you using a Intel GMA 950 (integrated vga)? If so, you could try GMA BOOSTER (search for it in google). I use that so i can play warcraft III on my netbook at 25-35 fps (low but incredibly playable).
Another program that i would recommend is GAME BOOSTER (search for it again XD). A friend of mine got a problem like yours with a game and with that program he could "hide" (i think close is a better word for that) anything that isn't needed to be processed and you can get a notorious improvement.
I wish i could help.
Pd: sorry for my english... i'm from Chile so i talk in spanish
Pd2: i want to play
See ya!