[09:49] == TribalTrouble [~IRIS@24.246.iwk.yxy] has joined #elementsthegame
[09:49] <+Anthraxx> screw Mozilla and the evergrowing RAM consumption
[09:49] <TribalTrouble> boo
[09:50] <+Absol> orly
[09:50] <TribalTrouble> rly
[09:50] <+Absol> is firefox really that bad
[09:50] <TribalTrouble> yep
[09:50] <TribalTrouble> (he says while using school's Safari ^^)
[09:51] <TribalTrouble> Chrome is the master of browsers now
[09:51] <+Absol> huh
[09:51] <+Absol> i thought it was just the hype
[09:51] <TribalTrouble> hype hype hype hype :3
[09:51] <+Coffeeditto> Nuh uh.
[09:51] <+Coffeeditto> COmodo Dragon is
[09:51] <+Absol> no
[09:51] <+Absol> eye am
[09:51] <+Absol> the strongest
[09:51] <+Coffeeditto> Maximoto showed me it
[09:51] <+TotallynotOni> Chrome is pretty RAM too
[09:51] == xViperx9091 [~IRIS@uejs-15-27-35-780.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #elementsthegame
[09:51] <TribalTrouble> The strongest is Pi
[09:52] <+Coffeeditto> Absol, go get in a poke ball

[09:52] <xViperx9091> hi
[09:52] <+Absol> shut up coffee
[09:52] <+Coffeeditto>

[09:52] <+Coffeeditto> Good ol' absol
[09:52] <+Absol> how many fingers am i holding up
[09:52] * Absol flips
[09:52] <xViperx9091> 11
[09:52] <+Coffeeditto> 1
[09:52] <xViperx9091> 1*
[09:52] == nils [~IRIS@31805402.cm-9-1b.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[09:52] <xViperx9091> and its your ring finge
[09:52] * Coffeeditto flips Absol off
[09:52] <+Absol> fun stuff: i have a ring on my ring finger
[09:52] <xViperx9091> rHallo Zazu Wie Gehts?
[09:53] * Absol counter flips Coffeeditto
[09:53] <+Coffeeditto> You're engaged?
[09:53] <+Coffeeditto> Or married?
[09:53] <TribalTrouble> Lol in a programming class, someone just walked over and went "wow that's code?!? You did that with code?!? How is it talking back?!? OMG OMG OMG!"
[09:53] <+Absol> not yet, still in college
[09:53] <+Coffeeditto> Lol
[09:53] <+Absol> i'm engaged to my imaginary fiancee
[09:54] <+Absol> (or however they're spelled)
[09:54] <+Coffeeditto> HEY, YOU FAT FUDGER
[09:54] <TribalTrouble> So glad we have a sub :p
[09:54] <+Absol> we do?
[09:54] <+Coffeeditto> GET MY MASTER A CUP OF WATER
[09:54] <+Coffeeditto> PRONTO
[09:54] <+Absol> when would we dive?
[09:54] <+Absol> i can't wait to see those fishes
[09:54] <TribalTrouble> sub = substitute teacher for my class XD
[09:54] <+Coffeeditto> OR I'LL INFECT YOU COMP WITH A CIRUS
[09:54] <TribalTrouble> CIRUS WHERE?!?!?
[09:54] <+Absol> NO
[09:54] <TribalTrouble> I hate that CIRUS GUY!
[09:54] <+Absol> YOU"RE ALL WRONG
[09:54] <TribalTrouble> LEMME AT 'EM!
[09:54] <+Coffeeditto> A CITRUS PIE
[09:54] <+Absol> DON'T JUDGE ME!
[09:55] <xViperx9091> im making a buff deck
[09:55] <+Coffeeditto> AND A VIRUS
[09:55] <TribalTrouble> Citrus? I love Citrus :3
[09:55] <+Absol> wait whut
[09:55] <xViperx9091> what creature should i make the buff for
[09:55] <TribalTrouble> Viruses are fun to code
[09:55] <+Absol> dune Vineroz
[09:55] <+Absol> sorry
[09:55] <+Absol> xViperx9091: dune.
[09:55] <TribalTrouble> Viruseroz? Wha?
[09:55] <@Vineroz> why dune me
[09:55] <+Absol> wat.
[09:55] <@Vineroz> why
[09:55] <xViperx9091> dune?
[09:55] <TribalTrouble> wat
[09:55] <+Absol> wrong ping
[09:55] <xViperx9091> Absol wanna make it with me?
[09:55] <+Absol> no
[09:55] <xViperx9091> umm ok
[09:55] <+Absol> why would i make out with you
[09:55] <TribalTrouble> wait... wat
[09:56] <+Coffeeditto> What?
[09:56] <TribalTrouble> wat
[09:56] <+Absol> taw
[09:56] <+Coffeeditto> Meow
[09:56] <TribalTrouble> wat
[09:56] <+Coffeeditto> Wat
[09:56] <+Absol> why would i make out with myself
[09:56] <TribalTrouble> Just.... wat
[09:56] <+Coffeeditto> What
[09:56] <+Absol> taw ....tsuJ
[09:56] <TribalTrouble> wat what
[09:56] <+Absol> watman
[09:56] <+Coffeeditto> Absol, how does someone...
[09:56] <TribalTrouble> wat?
[09:56] <+Coffeeditto> Make out with them self?
[09:57] <+Absol> this is so absurd even putting it in WPSIC would confuse everyone
[09:57] <+Absol> Coffeeditto: by kissing yourself?
[09:57] <TribalTrouble> wat
[09:57] * TribalTrouble is wat?
[09:57] <+Coffeeditto> How does one have sexual intercourse with themself?
[09:57] <+Absol> hand OP
[09:57] <+Coffeeditto> SORRY
[09:57] <+Coffeeditto> SORRY, ABSOL BROUGHT IT UP
[09:57] <TribalTrouble> sorry for way?!?
[09:58] <+Absol> i think we better stop it here
[09:58] <+Coffeeditto> ...Yeah.
[09:58] <TribalTrouble> wat
[09:58] <+Coffeeditto> STAHP
[09:58] == Jen-i [~IRIS@24.86.vhx.pog] has joined #elementsthegame
[09:59] <+Absol> ioh ioh A
[09:59] <Jen-i> hey Absol
[09:59] <+Absol> i-neJ yeh
[09:59] <TribalTrouble> hiya
[10:00] <Jen-i> hey TT
[10:00] <TribalTrouble> we just had a wat war, you missed it