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Messages - zse (568)

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General Discussion / Re: Is It Possible to Beat This Deck?
« on: September 20, 2010, 01:18:02 pm »
What's good in Precongnition? It doesn't actually draws you a card, it just replaces itself.  And knowing your opponent's hand does not matter int this situation as your posted deck is pretty straightforward (you don't change your game plan based on the opponenet's hand.)
It thins the deck. Basically it means that while you're technically playing with 30 card deck, you'll have only 24 cards to draw.

For example, that boosts the odds of having [Siphon Life the first card of the deck] from 6/30=20% to 6/24=25%. At first that difference (1/5 -> 1/4) may not seem that big, but when you start to combine the probabilities of many things, the difference gets much bigger.

General Discussion / Re: Is It Possible to Beat This Deck?
« on: September 20, 2010, 10:16:07 am »
Code: [Select]
7di 7di 7di 7di 7di 7di 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qb 7tc 7tc 7tc 7tc 7tc 7tc 80b 80b 80b 80b 80b 80b
This is the EM deck. Can you beat it?  :P
Mirror Shield stops spells.
Purple Nymph + Quint (+SoR) stops dragons fast enough.

Turn 1
3x Q.Tower ->  :light :light :time  :water :water :water  :water :water :water, Play Mirror Shield and Sundial. End. Gain  :aether :aether :aether  :light :time and 4 other (5/7 cards played)
Turn 2
Activate Sundial.
Play Nymph Tear on QT -> Purple Nymph. Play SoR and Quint on PN. Play Sundial. (9/9 cards played)
Turn 3+
Antimatter dragons and win!

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have?
« on: September 20, 2010, 08:39:01 am »
Well, at this point it starts to seem like I'm just showing off.  :P
But I worked just as hard as anybody to get these nymphs! (Ok, I just clicked the oracle, got on my knees, sacrificed a few old voodoo dolls of my teachers, and my real live brother and prayed like mad)

 :entropy :entropy :entropy  :gravity :gravity  :earth  :life :life :life  :fire :fire  :water  :light  :air :air :air  :time  :darkness

Yes it's becoming insane, even for me. I would probably even trade some to people without any (Lucky it's impossible so I never have to test this theory).
But In all seriousness, I am very grateful for all these nymphs. And if all I can ever accomplish in elements is to be ridiculously lucky, I'll take it.
You sacrificed your real live brother? Haven't heard anyone else try that. And remember kids: ! NO, you can't try this at home !

False Gods / Re: no more fgs ffor now
« on: September 20, 2010, 08:30:04 am »
With Luciferase too hard? TOO HARD??? They are the closest thing to GOD in this game, after The Almighty Z of course :P. FGs aren't supposed to be "easy". I still think that Light Nymph will be causing next to none problems to any of the top Anti-FG decks. L.N. can be easily dealt with Lobotomize, Eternity, Otyugh, Fallen Druid, etc.

Protected Permaforst Shield and pillar destruction ability? Meh, Hope-RoL wont be affected at all by that, and t'll still easily beat down Neptune. Couple of Lightning Storm would be handy for Neptune on that match-up though...
So in your view all the Firefly Queen, Pharaoh, Fallen Elf of FGs are useless since you can always play your CC on them.
It's because FGs have these things, so we put in Lobotomize, Eternity, Otyugh, Fallen Druid, etc. to anti FGs, so please don't get an inverted train of thought.

Because RoL Hope can beat it so it's easy? You should try more anti-FG decks.
Please don't try to twist my words. What I meant was that in comparison Light Nymph vs. Luciferase, the former has so much less power that it's "almost useless" compared to the other. At least that's the way I see it, and you have every right to disagree with me.

Why should I try more anti-FG decks? Do you know what decks I've tried? Again I meant something else than what you seem to think.
While that pillar control can cause trouble to some decks, it doesn't hurt all. So better way to give Neptune the needed boost would give it both: the power to destroy pillards AND some Lighning Storms to take out small critters (Fractalled RoLs etc.) that are in positions 1-7 and aren't thus affected by Inundation.

General Discussion / Re: Is It Possible to Beat This Deck?
« on: September 20, 2010, 08:07:14 am »
Teffy has pretty nice solution for the problem. The simplicity on that is pretty on it's own way, but that kind of lacks the "mind-blowing effect".
Maybe this, Voodoo Panic by linkfung, could also be tweaked to do the job; and do it with a truly "shocking" way.
Code: [Select]
5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 71a 74d 74d 74d 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 7tg 7tg 7tg 808 808 808 808 80b 80b 80b :-\ = Voodoo Doll
Originally in,12308.0.html

Obviously you'd have to use upped Sundials, and get enough of those early. Then you'll buff Voodoo Doll big enough, Gravity Force it and let the Dragons beat the doll. If you wouldn't get the Doll boosted enough, you could Twin Universe it before dragons attack it. That way you'd be able to Gravity Force the 2nd one next turn, and get enough damage dealt with that one.

I think that could work with perfectly stacked deck, but the changes for getting it randomly are gonna be pretty slim. What you think? Is there any way to tweak the deck better for it?

False Gods / Re: no more fgs ffor now
« on: September 20, 2010, 07:25:46 am »
If anything, FG's need to be remade.  Paradox has been PM'ing me lately expressing his concerns over losing to every deck humanity has ever made.
a simple rework:
replace mirror shield with Hope, add 2 Light Nymphs
Nah, Nymphs can be Lobotomized before they get to use their ability. What Paradox really wants is Luciferase (replace some RoLs?). If Hope was added too that could get insanely hard.
No Lucifer or it will be too hard. White nymph with Hope is balance enough to buff Paradox a bit.

For Neptune, add some earth tower and a few Protect Artifact will make it tough. Let's think of Protected Permaforst Shield and pillar destruction ability.
With Luciferase too hard? TOO HARD??? They are the closest thing to GOD in this game, after The Almighty Z of course :P. FGs aren't supposed to be "easy". I still think that Light Nymph will be causing next to none problems to any of the top Anti-FG decks. L.N. can be easily dealt with Lobotomize, Eternity, Otyugh, Fallen Druid, etc.

Protected Permaforst Shield and pillar destruction ability? Meh, Hope-RoL wont be affected at all by that, and t'll still easily beat down Neptune. Couple of Lightning Storm would be handy for Neptune on that match-up though...

General Discussion / Re: Is It Possible to Beat This Deck?
« on: September 19, 2010, 07:46:45 pm »
Step 1
Step 2 ???
Step 3 Profit!

Forum Archive / Re: KOTH (slowly finding the best T50 deck)
« on: September 19, 2010, 03:09:04 am »
Things are changing
But nothing changes
And still there are changes
Le roi est mort, vive le roi
la reine
- Michael Cretu

Congrats Napalm Grenade!
***karma to NG & SP***

False Gods / Re: no more fgs ffor now
« on: September 18, 2010, 09:05:21 pm »
If anything, FG's need to be remade.  Paradox has been PM'ing me lately expressing his concerns over losing to every deck humanity has ever made.
a simple rework:
replace mirror shield with Hope, add 2 Light Nymphs
Nah, Nymphs can be Lobotomized before they get to use their ability. What Paradox really wants is Luciferase (replace some RoLs?). If Hope was added too that could get insanely hard.

Deck Help / Re: new deck (i hope) stop hitting yourself
« on: September 18, 2010, 07:57:55 pm »
new deck (i hope) stop hitting yourself
i thought i'd make a completely original deck off the top of my head using the new card voodoo doll
"Karma - Quit hitting yourself (FG) v 1.25",11228.0.html

"Use Voodoo against False Gods" aka "Curse and Laugh at False Gods" aka "Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo)",12308.0.html

Like they say: "Great minds think alike"

Rainbow Decks / Re: Destroy EM' All!
« on: September 18, 2010, 07:42:13 pm »
Try this: -Werewolf +Unstoppable.
Why? Because 6/1 BallLs are pretty good for just 1 quanta, and LD going past shields is just so 8).

But the serious problem is having to skip tons of false gods.
I agree to that. I started playing a Rainbow deck again due to that...but Rainbow decks are much slower than this, so they are worse for electrum..although better for score and win %.
The only problems with Rol is skipping that many games is annoying, and the deck gets very very boring after a few hundred games. Unfortunately, nothing else can get electrum at this speed, rainbows are much slower.
I have to disagree with this "being forced to skip" nonsense. Back in the 1.24's I played total of 400 games with Hope-RoL getting ~50% wins. Octane is the only FG that I haven't won ever with Hope-RoL, and there are some others that I have won only rarely.

Quote from another topic
hi lovers.

which variant of RoL/Hope works the best for you? :-\
This. 4x SoG, Luciferase, IMiracle, 3x Hope and 3x Elector.
Code: [Select]
6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7jq 7k2 7k3 7k4 7k4 7k4 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80e 80e 80e 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 80iIn 1.24 50% win rate on 400 games, 59% wins were EM.
>66% win rate against Destiny, Divine Glory, Fire Queen, Incarnate, Miracle, Paradox, Neptune (7)
>50% Elidnis, Gemini, Morte, Obliterator, Osiris, Seism (6)
>33% Chaos Lord, Scorpio, Decay, Dream Cather, Rainbow (5)
<33% Dark Matter, Eternal Phoenix, Ferox, Graviton (4)
0% Hermes and Octane (2)
Another thing that I don't believe is that Rainbow decks would get much better win%'s than Hope-RoL. If you think they do, please post your stats (or comments) to this topic:,11944.0.html
I made there a little comparison for data that I was able to find from a topic of widely used Rainbow deck CCYB and my experience on it and Hope-RoL.

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