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Messages - ivalmian (240)

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Card Ideas and Art / Re: New Card Suggestion - Gift/Bestow
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:15:33 am »
Meh, I've seen other more useful and important cards :)

But it is a nice idea.
What is a more fundamentally changing card than this  ?

The amount of possibilities it brings (and also the amount of OTHER cards that can be introduced to synergise with this) is huge!

Card Ideas and Art / Re: New Card Suggestion - Gift/Bestow
« on: February 12, 2010, 10:56:15 pm »
bump for all who think this should be made into a real card... so many uses.. so good of a card :P

I completed my 100 game test with only 3 Sundials.   It is my version from the first post minus a SD with a 12th QT added.  I'm not even going to show it here because it is much, much worse.

Statistically over 100 games, it did not even come close, clocking in at a win rate of 0.47.  Here are the  detailed stats.  (

If you do not use the Improved Miracle, you had better play with at least 4 Sundials.   I died to many more early rushes than I did with my 4 SD version.  I was quite surprised to see how important it is when the Miracle is not in the deck.
ok.. i've been trying a 41 card version with 12 qt and I don't think THAT gave an improvement either... the 4sd no miracle version seems to be by far the best...

hm..finally a section just for fg grinding! thank you ScaredGirl!

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Disruption Wall: Shield Competition entry
« on: February 11, 2010, 03:16:14 am »
Hmm, it's interesting, but I doubt it will be useful.

Unless your fighting something like fire, where creatures have more attack then strength, or you're fighting growth, it's not good.  And even if you are fighting those things, you decrease the damage you take less than something like time's shield would unless you have a way to destroy the shield permanent.

Remember, you can't give this shield to your opponent, it comes into play on your side of the field.  You cannot base a deck around flipping your own creatures, only your enemy.  This card would work better as an instant.
combined with scyther's "gift" this could be interesting (,2881.0.html)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Dark Cavern/Depths
« on: February 11, 2010, 02:26:11 am »
Have the creature die at the end of the turn.

That would help balance it more, and make the dark/death synergy (I love this word, thanks for it Scyther!) even more brutal.
awesome idea! +1 karma glitch (edit: since i gave +1 karma already in past hour to someone, i can't quite give it to you now.. but i will later!)! This totally works with the whole idea of them being called out and crawling out (and then crawling back into cavern/depths)

Here is how I think it can work.. 7 as summon cost, then pay 2 dark quanta to have a random death or darkness creature come on the field however it will have only 2hp and have 1 poison counter (aka, it will normally die after turn 2). This will be enough for it to use it's active ability once  but you won't aggregate a huge army of devourers/etc :p

Thanks glitch/scyther!

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Dark Cavern/Depths
« on: February 11, 2010, 01:58:58 am »
how about if it summons both death and darkness..  then you will have death creatures (including weak ones like virus/vulture/skellie) appear as well? again, summon cost might be 7 but call creature like 4..

Thanks for the suggestions Gl1tch, teffy, scyth, and all else !

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Dark Cavern/Depths
« on: February 11, 2010, 01:25:41 am »

Right off the bat.

It breaks one of the fundamental rules in the game, only 6 of each creature in a deck.  12 with PUs.  You can just sit there an spawn things all game.  I mean, imagine a field full of devourers?

Suddenly you don't have to upgrade every card to have a fully upgraded dark deck.  Just 6 devourers, six of these, some steals, some drain lifes, some nightfalls, and pillars.  Dropping six creatures a turn?!  And upgraded!  WAYYYY OP.

Not to mention that on the off chance you get a creature you don't like, you have an infinite supply of parasites to kill them off.  Sorry kid, that's just crazy.
hm.. i guess i could increase the price to 10 summoning and 5 per creature...

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Card idea - Tame
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:56:39 am »
I know everyone hates instant kills, but isn't anti-matter even WORSE than an instant kill?
you can rewind or bless yourself out of antimatter.. here you have taken the card AND you get to use its ability

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Dark Cavern/Depths
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:21:54 am »
With dark do you mean darkness + death or just darkness?
just darkness :)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Religion of Other
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:18:14 am »
Yes definately some of the others are OP but they are works in progress and when I have finished the set I will post the new remade balanced cards all up at once to view.

I like the fact that they shield but am unsure as well, I considered that some of the Gods may actually have attack abilites some may have heal etc, but so far have just gone with shield,

Thanks again

yeah.. if it's more diverse is good.. if it is a stackable small shield + ability.. it seems a little bit stretched...

Card Ideas and Art / Dark Cavern/Depths
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:15:39 am »
This is a second pair of cards from my set of permanents that make creatures:

The first one is for light and is the light source/coherent source found here:,

For this one, you pay a relatively high summoning cost (7) but then you get to churn out a lot of creatures. Which creature is random, and for some of them you'll overpaying or may be they will be unneeded. However, some  will  be dragons!



PS: The more I look at the card picture.. the less I like it.. would someone be willing to help get a better picture?

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