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Messages - estica (5)

Pages: [1]
Archived Decks / Hyperdrive Armagios (duo) with quint
« on: January 28, 2011, 04:51:28 am »
Ok, first of all this is the first deck i've built, and if i have any gramar mistakes you'll have to excuse me... i am Portuguese.
 i've been playing with the new cards and since i saw posts about overdrive with armagio but strangely no deck with it, i decided to try and build it
I have to say even though its not OP at all they can grow pretty scary

The idea of the deck is pulling out the combo Armagio+overdrive+momentum+quint
having an unstopabble indestructible self-growing scary mean machine

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rn 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 746 746 746 746 746 74a 74a 74b 74b 74f 74i 74i 74i 74i 74i 75m 75m 80h 80h 8pu

?? are overdrives

the main strategy is overdriving an armagio or two and stalling with the rest (if you have to)
the momentum and quint are only necessary against specific decks mostly rainbow with rewinds eternity or antimatter, and aether decks with lobo or phase shields
...most of the times its wiser to momentumt+quint your otyugh (if you get it)

againgst rush decks you usually have to change your strategy: stalling first, eat creatures with otyugh untill you can overdrive an armagio... you cant outrush them

mostly the deck is slow but the armagios will grow to a point where no healing is enough (as long as you can survive)

i've lost a few games to many kinds of decks, main problems seem to be not enough mana or not good enough stall could use some PC too as weapons are not stoped by gravity pull

even though i havent kept statistics i would say around 80-90% winrate vs T50
ttw i would say around 9 or 10
my fastest game was 7 - got the OD armagio on turn 2 (5 towers on first hand)
usually with a little luck you can do it on turn 3 and its very rare for the game to last more than 14 turns

My first version had -shard -black hole +quint + otyugh, i started tweeking with it and i would even like to add more shards and BH but i fell there's no room in the deck

any suggestions/comments are welcomed

P.S. Liked it better +4/-2 (that was a real overdrive...)

Gravity / Re: Acceleration
« on: January 25, 2011, 08:36:16 pm »
I'm so disappointed, i loved the +4/-2 version of overdrive, worked great on voodoo dolls... oh well looks like no cool cards will be adding to game, everyone is so worried they might actually bring new interesting decks...
you could've at least let them in the game for a while to really test them out and if they were really OP nerf them then...

I'm kinda new to the game and i'm already a bit bored with always the same decks...
no cool new cards allowed... :(

Life / Re: Mitosis' Recent Nerf/Balancing
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:53:03 pm »
I have to say that even in the original version i dont see this card as OP at all, its a cool card, and would've found a way into many decks.

I dont even think the combos mentioned are overpowered, they take too many cards usually from different elements and even after that it takes lots of turns till you can fill the board....
its either too vulnerable not to quint or too expensive not to use SoR or to slow(and vulnerable) to use on rushes which never kill FGs anyway....

about the flying weapons its a 3 card slow combo (4 if you quint it not to mention the quanta), you would have to build your deck around it, if you dont draw one of the cards you're just sitting there doing nothing...

speeds up life rush i guess, although it doesnt make it any less vulnerable

its very similar to fractal, doest have the vulnerability to nightmare and neurotoxin (wich are barely used) and its cheaper but on the other hand is very vulnerable to rewind lobo and cc on general (depending on what you use it) and it doesnt allow you to drop 8 creatures on a turn (the magic of fractal)

Even without the ai change i didnt find a great deck around it (unlike fractal wich is awsome)

P.S.: I vote for the old version

Duo-Decks / Re: The Dragon Garden (Duo)
« on: January 23, 2011, 05:07:02 am »
I'm sorry to tell you this but I've tried this deck and it seemed to me much worse than the RoL Hope deck with fractal and lobo for several reasons:
- with fractal you can keep a RoL in your hand and drop it in the turn you fractal, dropping several RoLs at a time, with this deck your mitosed RoL gets killed all the time.
- mana denial kills this deck (decay, dark matter)
- no lobo means trouble with many gods (osiris, FQ, Incarnate...)
- it much harder (if not impossible) to ambush gods with miracle

don't mean to trash your deck, it has a cool story and all
I'm just trying to find out how mitosis can be better that fractal and i don't see many advantages (except life rush decks)

Duo-Decks / Re: Pestosis (duo)
« on: January 21, 2011, 06:59:42 pm »
you forgot a disadvantage of mitosis, the clear vulnerability to cc.... just kill, lobo rewind or freeze the mother and you're toast, to fractal you just need one pest alive or in your hand...
also with aether you can have the lobotomizer
with life you can have bonds or emerald shield, (great vs decay and fgods with pc)

Pages: [1]
blarg: estica