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Messages - davidy22 (169)

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Crucible Archive / Re: Unladen Swallow | Unladen Swallow
« on: July 31, 2011, 01:11:29 pm »
Changing a card right off the bat and to the most extreme degree because someone has provided feedback makes you the only indecisive and rash one here. x)
2 for 6 would be fine when upped. 2 for 4 unupped. With those stats I'd use it both for bouncing and rushing.

Will make the change when vote count hits 10. Looks like 2 quanta 6 damage though.

Crucible Archive / Re: Unladen Swallow | Unladen Swallow
« on: July 31, 2011, 07:40:07 am »
I'd still drop it down to 6, because of its invulnerability aspect compared to other 3 cost creatures. And Air doesn't have the cheapest creatures, you know.

Have you tried 2 cost, 6 attack?
Added a poll. You indecisive cretins.

Crucible Archive / Re: Unladen Swallow | Unladen Swallow
« on: July 30, 2011, 11:36:35 pm »
8 is way too high ^^;; This clearly casts a shadow over wyrm if its attack is left at 8..
Even with the reversing mechanism, this improves rush decks too much.
It requires a 3 quanta upkeep each turn. The cockatrice does 4 damage every turn, without upkeep. Think reusable shockwave that can be blocked by sheilds.

Besides, a swallow isn't that strong
Oh, but it's an unladen swallow.

Not sure if this was mentioned on the thread already, "returns to your hand if you do not already hold 8 cards." isn't needed since you have to discard a card if you have 8 cards before creatures attack. I also agree with the fact that theme is somewhat off. A swallow sounds like a strength 1-4 creature to me. 8 ATK seems like it's pushing it a bit.

Regarding balance : See Twin-Headed Wyvern | Twin-Headed Wyvern (,20663.0.html).

Comparing the upped (most similar versions), Twin-Headed Wyvern pays :air to stay alive each turn, while Swallow pays :air :air :air . Both do 8 DoT if upkeep is payed, ignoring shields or healing.

The difference is that multiple Swallows can prevent each other from going back to the hand (1-8 swallows fly back to max out the hand size, the others just stay there. Wyvern dies if you don't pay, period. It sounds fair, but I have one question : is the ability active or passive? I'm assuming it's passive, but you could make some powerful combos with ability negation like Mitosis and Lobo if it was active.
It's not just a swallow. It's an unladen swallow, with razor sharp talons built for cracking beetle shells and caterpillar flesh.

Twin -headed wyvern can we killed with creature control. Unladen swallow needs to be held in place by a full hand.

It's a passive ability.

Tech Talk / Re: Get certified, is it worth the cost?
« on: July 30, 2011, 02:48:33 pm »
Bah, maybe you could modify the isPrime function to take the array as a parameter? To test every possible number leading up to the num variable, seems a little wasteful. I'll think over it some more.

You can use += with strings? Shweet.

The basic details are:
1. Check to see if the array is ordered. Length doesn't matter.
2. If the array isn't in order, completely randomize the order of the array elements.
3. Return to step 1 until the array is sorted.

The world's most inefficient sorting algorithm. That website does alot of lulz-worthy pieces like that.

EDIT: You haven't covered big O notation? It's basically something programmers use to approximate how efficient an algorithm is. You suppose the maximum inputs for all loops is n, and trace the program with that assumption in mind.

Tech Talk / Re: Get certified, is it worth the cost?
« on: July 30, 2011, 02:15:11 pm »
I just noticed this thread. I've got a bit of Java under my collar, but not much. (Think two weekends with a textbook.) I can only run a bit of question&answer with popup windows, so this is pretty high-level stuff to me.

But that's not important. My opinion: Certification = Yes. Always good to have it say on your resume/website 'Certified Java programmer with X years of focused experience."

EDIT: Nice name, davidy22. Spoken with pure programming evil.
Javascript is different from java. Java runs on a bytecode interpreter, and needs to be compiled. Javascript runs inside a browser and needs no compile. Javascript also tends to run much slower than java, because of the browser overhead and the need to parse in real-time.

A certification certainly helps, but isn't necessary to get a job in programming. Many firms will want to personally test your aptitude with programming problems. In those cases, practice and prior experience are needed. They may also want to see what past work you have done, thus my suggestion to work on summer of code. Helping an existing project, logging all the code you write, will contribute to that portfolio. A certification may help you get past the initial screening though.

Naming my variable that is probably poor programming practice, but I'm probably never going to touch it again and it makes for a good joke.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Vending Machine 5.0
« on: July 30, 2011, 01:37:26 pm »
You get shocked.

I insert my head.

I can challenge the sideboard argument. Mono decks can benefit from the sideboard too, being able to choose cards provides alot of choice. The sideboard is often used in tournaments to allow players to pack situational cards that stop you from getting screwed over by a bad matchup.

A sideboard for CPU matches isn't why I voted yes though. The mind games that can be played before a pvp match would be a very interesting dimension added, trying to guess what cards your opponent will use. It only gets better as cards get added.

Tech Talk / Re: Get certified, is it worth the cost?
« on: July 30, 2011, 11:21:58 am »
Code: [Select]
HexadecimalDigits = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B',

function makeHexadecimalCodeOfPureDemonicEvil() {
    HexadecimalCodeOfPureDemonicEvil = '#';
    for (i=0,i<6,i++) {
        HexadecimalCodeOfPureDemonicEvil =
        HexadecimalCodeOfPureDemonicEvil +
    return HexadecimalCodeOfPureDemonicEvil;
I must have understood your problem wrong. That was too easy.

Oooh, stupid dependencies. Maybe have the loop terminate when the value in the primeFactors array goes higher than the num variable?

Optimize means to go back over your code and see if you can pare out any needless processes or loop iterations,

Bogobogosort is the world's most inefficient sorting algorithm.
Implement Bogobogosort. Any variant.

Crucible Archive / Re: Uoraglestom | Uoraglestom
« on: July 30, 2011, 07:56:50 am »
Would 1|2 not be better stats for the unupped at the new cost?
Due to the 2x effect ability, there'd be almost no difference.  ;)
I know, it just looks better.
An initially weak card with a powerful ability. The 2 hp isn't needed, as the card can easily pack in plenty of hp on it's own.

Crucible Archive / Re: Unladen Swallow | Unladen Swallow
« on: July 30, 2011, 07:47:49 am »
You might want to consider looking into Old Tree's balancing cost theory before randomizing the attack / cost value again. Also, you need to clarify how the deckout avoidance works in your notes.
I have read his post. He assumes a fixed quantifiable value can be assigned to an ability, and tries to apply formulae to find optimal costs for cards. Two issues I have with that are that it is not the single card that determines usefulness, but that card in relation to others. An ability on it's own may be useless, but the card may be suitable for a combo that easily outmatches a brute-force dragon loaded mono deck. Also, I am not randomizing the cost and attack values, I am raising and lowering them according to the movement of the poll.

The deckout avoidance was a trick that I only thought of after I posted this card. I didn't intend for the card to be used to stop deckouts, but I'll add it anyways.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Vending Machine 5.0
« on: July 29, 2011, 12:12:07 pm »
you get a television, and on that television you can only see static, then the music starts to play going dundundundundundundundundun......... then out of nowhere a face appears, you take one look at that face and know its- JAPANESE HITLER!

I insert misery, and AIDS
You get cyanide and happiness.

I insert a floating point 512-bit long value into the buffer.

Crucible Archive / Re: Unladen Swallow | Unladen Swallow
« on: July 29, 2011, 11:49:19 am »

Raised cost back to 3.

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