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Messages - Twixy10 (188)

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here is an EM for the competition ;)

against Serket:

i keep having a hard time winning with this deck.....i think you should make a deck more suited for killing the fgs......this one im sorry to say SUCKS
i tried it...i dislike it, i lost somewhere close to 500 points with it
well, if you fight FG's with a unupped deck you should expect to lose points. FG's are for gaining money, not score. If you want to gain score you should fight AI3 (but i would focus on money untill you have lots of it).

it isn't an EM (one hp short), but since you don't have the normal win screens for the new gods I thought i should post it.


Lionheart: another one almost EM. 2 attack short:

And to me it looks like more than one screen issn't EM while it should be (Miracle and Morte for example). The damage kills Miracle before the healing starts, or am I wrong?

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.26) Flay 'Em!
« on: March 27, 2011, 05:40:33 pm »
By the way... is the Fractal to be used on just the Golems or on the FG cheap Creatures?
Fractal is never to be played on Golems. They're too expensive.
Absolutely not true. It's situational, but because of the Elite Fireflies who generate fire quanta you often have enough to buy a lot of golems. Off course this only works if the Queen is upped.
Erm, we're talking about THIS deck. Not CCYB.
oops, epic fail. srr ^^

Rainbow Decks / Re: The-Compeltely-Unoriginal-but-Semi-Original FGBow
« on: March 23, 2011, 09:31:43 pm »
The lack of Time quantum to use Eternity is very frustrating. One Time Tower would solve this problem.

and, Graveyard (upped) has it's good points: upped creatures when you rewind them. So if you don't need to prolong the game, you can use eternity to speed up the damage.

And if you have a extra Time tower the use of hourglasses becomes more easy. Furthermore you can use eternity more often as CC or your own skeletons.

What a very very very good new !!! :D
I'll be abble to stop playing with 2 accounts :o

Hmmm... Can we change the password today on the beta version, and continue tu play with new password with current version ? :o (without danger ?)
Yes you can :D

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.26) Flay 'Em!
« on: March 11, 2011, 08:26:55 pm »
I have used this deck to make CCYB, and have had much fun with it. I started with a 10k investment and have now made CCYB fully upgraded (2 days later). I made the money for 24 upgrades with it.

If you only count the FG's below then you get a winning % of 53 (but I upgraded the cards needed for CCYB when I got the money). But if you make less mistakes then me (made a lot XD) you could get higher. This has been over 76 games (only counting the below FG's). Other FG's you should just skip.

FG's you should fight:

False gods   won    lost
Chaos Lord      4      3
Destiny             0      0
Divine Glory      2      4
Elidnis              5      1
Eternal Phoenix1      4
Ferox               3       0
Fire Queen      4       3
Incarnate        5       1
Lionheart        2        1
Miracle             3      2
Neptune         2       1
Osiris              2       3
Paradox           2      3
Rainbow           1      5
Seism              1      3
Serket            3        3

Skip these FG's:
Akebono      1      5
Dark Matter      0      4
Decay      0      5
Dream Catcher      0      3
Gemini      0      3
Graviton      0      3
Hecate      0      2
Hermes      0      3
Jezebel      0      4
Morte      0      3
Obliterator      0      4
Octane      0      3
Scorpio      0      5

League Archive / Re: Beginners League 1/2011
« on: March 11, 2011, 01:22:50 pm »
Twixy10 2
TStar 1

Ty jappert for making it legal ;)

Issue Archive / Re: GotP not working
« on: March 10, 2011, 04:23:34 pm »
I had the same bug against T50, but only rarely.

Deck Help / Re: farenheit + bolts quik kill
« on: March 08, 2011, 09:29:25 pm »
I think some people put a nova or something in, then had a mirror shield. This was because if your opponent gets a reflective shield as well, you could bolt yourself and get them reflected onto your opponent... That kinda eliminates the main problem, but I think they also used Dim Shields to stay alive until the end...

What's yours aimed for? What AI level?
that's another deck ;) I have played with the deck you mentioned for a while (against FG). ( (

this deck was for T50/PVP

but, the previous post explained that this deck is rubisch and doesn't deserve more attention ^^

Deck Help / Re: farenheit + bolts quik kill
« on: March 08, 2011, 08:54:40 pm »
Hmmm, I tested this deck out (,6515.0.html) and it is so much better then mine, so I don't need help with this deck anymore.

Deck Help / farenheit + bolts quik kill
« on: March 08, 2011, 02:50:26 pm »
Hi, the idea of the deck is very simple, lot's of pillars, farenheit, and kill with bolts.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f6 5f6 5f7 5f7 5f7 5fb 5fb 5fb 8po

With deflag you make sure there are no pesty shields or you destroy other important pernaments.
Rage potion is some extra CC so the opponent can't do to much before middle game.
The bolts can be used to finish the opponent, but are also excellent CC. And sinds you have farenheit they aren't always nessecary to kill.
Farenheit is the main damage doing thing. But when you have an opponent with lots of healing/shields you should hang on to the bolts for killing.

The deck is made for T50/PVP

The questions I have for you guys:
1. Has this been done like thousend times before?
2. Is the deck crappy or good
3. What would you change (RoF's maybe)?
4. I have some SoG's, but then the deck would change to much to a defence deck to my opinion, and then there are much better alternative decks (like:,6515.0.html (,6515.0.html))

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blarg: Twixy10,TStar,twixy10