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Messages - Sdgc (12)

Pages: [1]
Forum Archive / Re: KOTH (slowly finding the best T50 deck)
« on: September 05, 2010, 02:41:58 am »
Hey! Thanks for the statistics sickpillow, I'm pretty happy with the results. 76% it's über fine!
I really appreciate the testing you've done and the advice on how to improve. I'm gonna try some variations to make it more efficient.

Seriusly, thanks.

Forum Archive / Re: KOTH (slowly finding the best T50 deck)
« on: September 02, 2010, 06:52:47 pm »
SickPillow, I'd like you to give this a try,12103.0.html

Code: [Select]
7dg 7dg 7dg 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dq 7dq 7dr 7dr 7dr 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 80i 80i 80i
?? are Fire pendulums

I know you said you were tired of fire rushes, and the first fractal phoneix was a let down, but i really like this one, and I think it has potential


Forum Archive / Top50 ~ PvP Nice Rush Fire Farm Deck - CREMIX
« on: September 01, 2010, 10:30:45 pm »

First, I'll do some anecdotic story on how i came to this deck, feel free to skip it.

I was using Vreely's rush T50 deck  (,3874.0.html) and I read somewhere that if you cremate a phoenix you can resurrect it the next turn, so I decided to try it and went ahead and changed a few thing (Like the whole basis of cremating RoL's for quanta, adding some phoenix, wich are cheap, can hit relatively well, and have the awesome ability of not dying).
I then noticed I could make it a bit faster by adding more phoenixes, Cream a Phoenix = 9  :fire = 4 more Phoenix. If only I had some way of having more... o yeah, there's a way (and a well known one): Fractal!

This involved changing the mark and adding pendulums, thus removing some lava golems because they're not as efficient without the constant earth supply.

I added some sort of CC in the form of Rage potions (It has saved my life a few times, you could also use it on an ash to have a 6/1, wich has also been extremely helpfull on delivering that final blow). However, don't think twice on using a RP on phoenix ashes. For example, you may want to cremate to generate an earth qanta to grow your golem and RP the ashes, this way you have +4 atk.

I know there are plenty of similar decks wich use the combination of phoenix and fractal, not the mention the FG, but I really like this one, it's very effective and fun to play.

So here it is:


Code: [Select]
7dg 7dg 7dg 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dq 7dq 7dr 7dr 7dr 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 80i 80i 80i
?? Are Fire Pendulums

Anyway, hope you like it.
I'd love to see some feedback.

Deck Help / Re: Some.. Dune Scorpion deck?
« on: August 16, 2010, 01:56:50 am »
I agree with kevkev, you don't need 6 momentums for the 6 scorpions, when you're oponent is neurotoxined that's pretty much it.. Perhaps rearraging and adding other posion dealers like death scorpio or puffer if poison is the what you want?
Also.. isn't the maximum n° of scorps 6?

Deck Help / Re: Time/Entropy Dune Scorpion
« on: August 16, 2010, 12:37:55 am »
Hey, first of all, If you're using a time mark I see no reason to add the time pendulums. Although you may say that it's to avoid having only towers and preventing earthquakes and such, If that's the case then okei.

- I'll take out an antimatter, I think you have 3 because of the 3 DS so you could get pass the shields eventually, but 2 DS dealing 2 neurotoxic p/turn is enough.
- Maybe just 1 eternity, I use it only when I'm in danger of decking out and with 50 cards that is very unlikely... (if you take 1 Eternity then remove the animate weapon)
- Take out the 2 dimenssion shield
- Take out 1 or 2 SoG's
- Maybe 1 or 2 Electrum Hour

And having set aside those cards you should check how many towers you need later.

Maybe if you added some supernovas (perhaps entropy mark?) you could incorporate some momentum into the deck without having to worry about shields, and with the extra mana also add in some death scorpios to max the poison dealt, that way you could even remove a few pillars.
And with all the extra quanta given by some supernovas you could use some epinephrin to increase the pois dmg dealt p/turn, thus speeding your deck. But that is another story.

Hope this helps

Card Ideas and Art / Re: HERO CARDS by Scaredgirl
« on: August 05, 2010, 10:22:11 pm »
I'm truly sorry that I read this post a little too late i believe and this may never be replied, but I have to say that I LOVE your idea of making quest, extremely hard quests, to earn cards that are superb, or even nothing at all.
I played elements once, when it was on it's baby steps, when IA3 was the hardest, and when you create something that pretty much has a life of its own you have to come up with challenges that satisfy the need of eveyone.

I think the FG sooner or later will be, I wouldn't say "100% defeteable 24/7", but kind of. Adding a sort of "journey" to defeat an incredibly tough opponent with some kind of reward would give the game much more life than it already has, a story. Perhaps each quest could have a side story into why we are battling that particular hero (I humbly offer my help into making the story).
That way, kind MtG, i wouldn't be just a card game (which isn't), but a tale.

Great Idea, too bad I wasn't around back then.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Grand Master/Grand Deceiver (Upgraded)
« on: August 05, 2010, 06:35:43 pm »
ok is it grand master, or grand teacher, the card say the latter but the topic says the first, fix  that please
Thank you for the observation, fixed it.

Card Ideas and Art / Grand Teacher/Grand Deceiver (Upgraded)
« on: August 05, 2010, 08:11:04 am »
Grand Teacher
5 :life
:aether :aether :aether: Upgrade target creature, permanent or pillar.
Grand Deceiver
5 :life
:aether :aether :aether: Downgrade target creature, permanent or pillar.
Not sure exactly, i got it from google images just to put something..

I simply loved the idea of a card being able to upgrade or downgrade something during the game. It may be a little bit OP sometimes, perhaps instead of a creature with an ability it could be a one time spell with the same Upgrade/Downgrade modality.
I believe the downgrade ability can be extremely useful in many ocations.

(notice the fact I added the aether to the image with paint, that's why it looks so crappy...)

The Trainer is a place for one to test how well certain cards combinations would perform. That's why there's the option to get every card and a shitload of money. I think it's an improvement to be able to choose wich FG to face and test a certain deck. In the real game you won't know (99,9% of the time) wich god you're facing, and therefore it doesn't "steal away" the grace of how challenging the FG are.

By the way, i got a score of -690 until i could finally face Eternal Phoenix to try something out...

Deck Help / Re: [HELP] Fractal Scarab Deck (good for FG)
« on: August 05, 2010, 06:35:31 am »
Regardless, I think you'd be more stable if you cut the deck down to below 40 cards.  Decks this large without hourglasses are... uncommon.  You can't really fit in the hourglasses though because the :time quanta is so precious.  Currently popular in FG decks are two things you might consider:
1) SoGs instead of bonds, which would be less helpful later in the game when you have a board full of scarabs and you're trying to EM but more helpful early when you're trying to stall, and
2) A good shield, like Permafrost, to help stall.
The thing is i like to have multiple options to deal with problems, I can steal it, if not I can explode it, if not I can pulverize it, and so on.. An for that I need that many cards... I don't think size should be a problem if, statistically speaking, the deck is well balanced. But yeah, as you put it, when getting fatter the hourglasses are the way to go, and  :time quanta is needed for the scarabs. I considered adding a one or two time towers to fix this, but somehow I'm not convinced...

Deck Help / Re: [HELP] Fractal Scarab Deck (good for FG)
« on: August 05, 2010, 06:19:50 am »
It looks pretty good. I'd consider a permafrost shield to help stall, and replace the explosions with hourglasses. And add in another pulvy. And replace a steal or two with a fire storm or two.

Explosions are fine for fast rush decks or decks that can only splash an element, but in rainbows, especially stall oriented ones, it's better to go with long term destructive power.
Thanks, I think permafrost is a nice addition. I was thinking what to do with the unused water quanta, and I believe that suits just fine. Also the RoF come in handy, I added the eagle's to do just that, but that is much faster, and more mana efficient.

Deck Help / [HELP] Fractal Scarab Deck (good for FG)
« on: August 04, 2010, 09:56:25 pm »
Hi everyone, this is my first post. I was wondering if anyone could help me better my deck a little bit. A while ago I saw an unupped fractal scarab deck that was WAY better than what i was using back then and I simply loved the idea.
After a few arrangements and upgrades this is what I've got so far

Basically you just stall with sundials and stealing/exploding stuff untill you get enough mana to fractal a scarab and start eating your way to victory. 4 of each makes it likely to draw at least one in the first few hands. It rapes lvl5.
Protect Artifact is there to have a chance with Seism and other annoying FG. Btw It has a pretty fair Win/Lose ratio againts FG, the only ones who are very very hard are Dark Matter, Eternal Phoenix, Obliterator, Scorpio and Seism if you don't get the protect on your opening hand and/or your luck sucks and earth mana isn't generated.

I just wanted to know what you guys think and what advice could you give. I belive Electrum Hourglasses aren't a bad choice...


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