Terroking - 7 (calindu221,philipapw, Jocko, PlayerOa, Zblader, majofa,7_Deadly_Sins)
philipapw - 3 (kirchj33, 1chase1997, 1world24)
Jocko - 1 (Iman00b8)
I was gambled with terroking and he is a civvy
Ah, right, I forgot, I was gambled with 1world, and he's a civvy. We didn't do anything with that info, though, since it was the round TStar went AWOL. Presumably someone knows what 1world is and is gambling the two of us to learn what I am.
Terroking - 7 (calindu221,philipapw, Jocko, PlayerOa, Zblader, majofa,7_Deadly_Sins)
philipapw - 4 (kirchj33, 1chase1997, 1world24, Terroking)
Jocko - 1 (Iman00b8)
I suppose I should at least make an attempt to save my skin.
Gambler (EOR) - Target 2 players. One player's role is revealed to the other at random. The Gambler does not get this information.
One of you 2 lies.
this actually was at an earlier round
Last round (i think, it was so long ago now) Terroking and 1world were gambled. Terroking was revealed with 1worlds role and 1world was then contacted with this information to let him know that the gambling occured. As i've said many times before i'm suspicious of everyone until proven by death. I have a strong huntch that Terro is innocent, but if he is a traitor then my next guess is 1world as it would indicate that Terro lied about 1worlds innocence. I doubt this is true due to 1world constantly going after Terro in previous rounds.
For now all my best guesses and hunches were blown out of the water so until something better comes up then....
Terroking - 8 (calindu221,philipapw, Jocko, PlayerOa, Zblader, majofa,7_Deadly_Sins, Nepycros)
philipapw - 4 (kirchj33, 1chase1997, 1world24, Terroking)
Jocko - 2 (Iman00b8, Malebolgia)
Maze_74d - 1 (Maze_74d)