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Messages - Mahon (25)

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Issue Archive / Re: no more then 6 pendulums in a deck
« on: October 30, 2010, 06:46:33 pm »
This is already in the big bad list of known bugs.

Issue Archive / Minor Phoenix+Aflatoxin [unconfirmed]
« on: October 30, 2010, 06:43:25 pm »
I was just fighting Eternal Phoenix and I got a nice draw and hit one of his Minor Phoenixes with a Aflatoxin. Instead of turning into a Malignant Cell it turned into an Ash like normal, and no Cell was spawned.

I checked the known, and not a bug threads before posting this, as well as checking back a few pages. No mention.

The key words on the cards "killed" and "dies" seem kind of ambiguous with no clear definition in game terms at least that I have stumbled upon. I assumed one way or the other a Cell would be produced, even if the Ash was created as well.

I could understand if this isn't a bug, and if that is the case I would suggest it being added to the not a bug thread.

Thank you.

Deck Help / Re: "anti-FG 60-card fun n' farm" help
« on: October 26, 2010, 02:58:27 am »
Your deck is kind of all over the place. Saying it is more versatile is nice, but when that versatility comes at the cost of consistency what is the point? Although I have never played your deck I have played various bows. The hardest part is always the first few turns before you have really taken control. This deck will just find more games that it didn't draw that clutch Permafrost Shield, Bone Wall, SoGs, or needed to draw more than just one which is often the case. Seeing as it isn't unheard of for FGs to win before you can even set up a hourglass.

Beyond that there are a number of cards that confuse me. Epinephrine, what FG does that really help against? This is at its base a control deck, so winning a turn sooner will rarely matter, and using it as anti Bonewall, again winning a turn sooner, will rarely matter. Minor Phoenix, Fractal, and Imp Blessing also fit under these category for me too. Even if Imp Blessing can help grow an Otyugh having to wait for the single copy in such a large deck and getting it before you just throw the Oty on the field and Quint it.

You can even consider running multiple Permafrost Shields. Just in case one gets blown up, or stolen, or you need the Fire Buckler for some reason you can always throw down a new permafrost Shield again later. Best part though is the more you play the higher chance you will see it.

Good luck I really hope you can make it work!

Deck Help / Re: Life/Fire combination deck question
« on: October 25, 2010, 08:03:23 am »
Well you can play however many cards you want to play. A 30 card deck will on average be more consistent, and faster than a 60 card deck, but that doesn't mean you can't use a 60 card deck.

I am afraid mono life doesn't fair to well against FGs. However they are good for farming ai3, and Top50.

It is almost like you have two decks and you decided to smash them together. If you do want to continue to use a 60 card deck I would either cut it down to a duo element deck, or make it a full on rainbow and balance the quantum use of each element, and run only quantum pillars.

If the reason you like 60 card decks is because you want to play as many of those really good cards as you can consider this. Take Emerald Dragon for example. In a 30 card deck if you are running 6 you have a 1 in 5 chance of drawing one each time you draw. In a 60 card deck you only have a 1 in 10 chance of drawing a dragon. So really the only reason to play more than 30 cards is to prevent running out of cards and losing. So a rush deck that will either win, or lose early really has no reason to run more than 30 cards.

False Gods / Re: Most humiliating FG defeats
« on: October 20, 2010, 08:48:43 pm »
I wish I took a screen shot, but I was playing Decay with a CC? Why Bother? deck. I got a really nice starting hand of all towers, supernovas, a pulvy, and a fractal. First turn I basically empty my hand of everything save the fractal. Second turn he plays a pest and 1  :aether tower. I blow the tower up, and fractal the pest playing most of them.

For the rest of the game he never even got close to getting enough quantum to get his own fractal off, and I easily beat him at his own game.  :)) Awesome because he is one of my least favorite FGs to fight, not because he is hard, but because he is annoying.

Anvil Archive / Re: Slow | Stop
« on: October 17, 2010, 06:25:54 pm »
I like the idea! I am however questioning its usefulness.

Yes it will be awesome against Life rush, without a doubt. However against other match ups I could see it under performing. It doesn't prevent the creature from using abilities, doesn't stop the creature from being immolationed. It does buy you time but compare it to antimatter, costs 1 more quantum, and reverses the attack, and they don't gain it back. What if the effect prevented abilities from being used which actually makes sense with "Stop".

I agree with OP.

I also agree this is not, and shouldn't be MtG. However we also should learn from their mistakes.

Each element should have unique abilities. However they shouldn't be so great that other elements are at a disadvantage without them.

Good examples of unique abilities are things like  :water Freeze  :air Dive  :earth Burrow. Yes some are more powerful than others but still none are so powerful that say a rush deck without a Dive mechanic is flat out slower.

Bad examples I think are Permanent control, Drawing, Life gain, Creature control.

I don't think every element needs every one of these abilities. However I do think at least half the elements have some form of these in different degrees. Perfect example is CC we have  :time Rewind,  :water Freeze,  :gravity Devour,  :darkness Drain Life,  :aether Lightning,  :fire Rain of Fire,  :entropy Antimatter. There are even more but I don't think I need to keep going.

Compare that to Drawing. We have  :time Hourglass,  :aether Fractal and Mind Gate (does it in its unique way), and for argument purposes  :entropy has a chance to get drawing with Mutation but not reliable by any means.

It is possible to add other Mind Gate like effects to other elements that emulate drawing, but are unique and fit the flavor of the element.

This would also have a nice bonus of lowering out dependence on rainbows.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Vending Machine 2.0
« on: October 13, 2010, 03:12:47 am »
You notice a sign that says 2  :light minimum.

I insert another  :light.

Deck Help / Re: Fire Rainbow Rush. AI3 farmer.
« on: October 13, 2010, 01:47:55 am »
Ohh, I didn't even think about that, I was thinking either Fire Spirit, or Graviton Fire Eater. I ditched the Poison and added a Graviton Fire Eater, and I am enjoying it! Also dropped a Lava Golem for a Rage Potion. Not sure on that change yet.

Deck Help / Re: Fire Rainbow Rush. AI3 farmer.
« on: October 12, 2010, 07:30:26 pm »
Sorry I didn't know there was another deck so similar. I arrived at this deck after farming Top50 with,3882.0.html (,3882.0.html) and trying,6298.0.html (,6298.0.html). I kind of combined them and this is what I came up with.

Graboid wouldn't fit. The golems suck up all the  :earth.

I tried the graviton Fire Eater but I prefer the flexibility of Fire Spirit as with Mark of  :fire I can cast it fairly early even off 1 nova and then it can fuel an immolation.

Yeah Poison is kind of meh, I just can't come up with something better. Maybe Chrysaora but it needs a lot more  :death, takes a  :water away from Forest Spirit, and generally is slower than poison I have found. The one nice thing though is it can be cast off 1 nova and be immolationed.

Looking at that other deck, I like the idea of Rage Potion, it can kill a maxwell's demon, or it can buff an attacker so never a dead card.

Thanks for the link to that other thread, and the help.

Deck Help / Re: Fire Rainbow Rush. AI3 farmer.
« on: October 12, 2010, 05:08:35 pm »
I tried a version with  :earth. It did have the potential for more damage, but it was also less consistent. I run a full 6 novas and 6 Immolations to fuel the growing. The :fire mark allows for quick Fire Spirits that can either be Immolationed, or they can eat all that extra  :fire. Also it is nice because say I get 3 novas in my opening hand and no immolations, I can hard cast a Golem turn 3.

Deck Help / Fire Rainbow Rush. AI3 farmer.
« on: October 12, 2010, 07:21:28 am »
Hello I am planning to start farming AI3 so I can start upping my cards. The following is the deck I am currently using

Code: [Select]
4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52o 5c1 5f3 5f3 5f6 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5rr 5ur
It has been working really well and I rarely have dead cards in my hand unless I just don't draw any Immolations, or Novas.

My question is the Poison, and Vampire Stiletto or Arsenic and a second Lyncanthrope.

My first instinct was to run the Arsenic and Lycanthrope. Then I got to thinking this deck wins around turn 7.

Arsenics damage scales 2+1 for every turn it is out beyond the first. For my purposes AI3 rarely if ever kills permanents so I am not factoring that into my calculations. At least the decks that stand a chance like Water decks who can freeze all my beefy attackers, or an early Maxwell's Demon.

The Vampire Stiletto hits for 4. Plus adds healing

So turn by turn we have:



So if an Arsenic drops on turn 1 chances are it will end up doing more damage, however the only decks that have a chance to win are the decks that manage to out race me, usually because I get a bad draw and they a good one, or early control before I can set up. Either way the games ends up being fairly close with the difference between winning and losing 1 turn.

Despite a second Lycanthrope being damage wise superior to Poison I am a stickler for consistency, and I don't want dead cards in my hand like a Lycanthrope because VS ate a  :darkness. Plus it is nice to have poison against some of the decks.

So what does the community think? Am I over analyzing it, higher damage is better damage? Any other changes or suggestions you can give? I am really only interested in gaining coins so I can up my cards. I should mention I do already have 5 Shards of Gratitude and 1 green background that just needs an upgrade. Could there be a better way for me to continue gaining coins faster than AI3?

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