Rainbow Decks / Re: (almost) NON-UPGRADED False God Rainbow
« on: July 11, 2010, 01:54:11 pm »(almost) NON-UPGRADED False God Rainbowi cant find a non upgraded card in the bazzar
Now that Sundial was nerfed, a lot of people have been looking for a good new deck to fight the False Gods. I decided to build a deck that would be accessible for newbie players, just like the "ultimate" deck I made when I first joined the game. My goal was to find a fully non-upgraded deck with 50%+ winning percentage.
After some vigorous testing I found out that there is no fully non-upgraded deck that can beat the Gods with a good winning percentage. Overpowered Sundial was the sole reason why my "ultimate" deck was so successful. Being able to draw those 2 extra cards (and stasis) really was the difference between life and death. Now that Sundial was nerfed things are different.
My "ultimate" deck used 53 cards. This one has only 40. The reason for that is that now that Sundials only give you one extra card, you have to make your deck smaller.
Mark is Time. This is the only viable option because you need Time quantum to draw extra cards. If you cannot draw extra cards, you will lose.
With a smaller deck, you have to take Eternity as you weapon. There's really no other choice because otherwise you will deck out way too often. Enchant Artifact is meant to be used with Eternity (or for Pillars if you are facing Seism).
I tried to keep the quantum usage as balanced as possible. Two most used elements are Time and Life so watch out for those.
This deck has to have some of the cards upgraded. You can play it as fully non-upgraded as well but after these 6-7 upgrades, the difference is huge. These are the minimum recommended upgrades:
Hourglasses (4)
Time is the most used quantum in this deck. You really need to upgraded those Hourglasses so hasten only costs 1 quantum. If you don't, you will run out of Time quantum in every single match. If you want you can try with 3 Hourglasses only.
Otyugh (2)
Otyugh is twice as strong when upgraded. It's vital to have upgraded version because the non-upgraded is pretty much useless in many situations.
Fallen Druid (1) (optional)
This guy is your main damage. You can do ok with only a Fallen Elf but that would mean matches take way too long. It's better to upgrade him before doing any serious False God grinding.
Here are some strategy tips: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,182.0.html (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,182.0.html). I wrote them for "ultimate" deck but most of the tips apply with this deck also.
How to prevent decking out using Eternity
When you have no cards left in your draw pile and would deck out the next turn, use your Eternity on your own cheap creature (like Skeleton) to put him back to your draw pile. Next turn you will draw that same skeleton, and use Eternity on him again! Keep doing this until the opponent (or you) dies.
I have tested this deck and it works pretty well. You can easily beat the easier Gods but guys like Scorpio and Seism are a problem until you get more cards upgraded.
If you have any suggestion and comments, please let me know.Code: [Select]4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 52n 52r 592 5c6 5c6 5f8 5oj 5ro 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5up 61t 621 621 6u6 74b 74b 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5