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Messages - Jumbalumba (328)

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General Discussion / Re: Coin Reward System is Backwards
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:49:19 am »
I'm not sure what's happening with Wisemage but points won = money won (it does not include any extra from getting 2 in a row in spins).

I do see what TheMonolith is pointing out and I do believe a moving scale of penalty would be the best but I will also answer by quoting TheMadEvil:

"Is this really an issue? Do you lose against AI3 enough (or even play them for that matter? I know I don't) for this to matter?"
Just think of the game as a progression. As you move up imagine the lower levels as not existing. You have a set of opponents with the rewards and penalties commensurate with your abilities. In terms of reward, there is hardly an issue.

The fact of the matter is, the ranking system is far from perfect. It isn't about finding the 50 best players. It is purely about which 50 people have the highest points. As it is, points is very well correlated with the amount of time people spend. Therefore, if you think that the only objective is to get to the top of the rankings then it is a grind. The points system probably could do with an overhaul. I believe this was discussed quite a few times in the past but I do not recall what conclusions were made or even what zanzarino thought about it all.

Get Pulverizer. You'll use it a lot more than Eternity. Arsenic will only really be useful in a poison deck.

Competitions / Re: War is coming..
« on: February 25, 2010, 11:47:12 pm »
Interesting. I'm not sure what'll happen but I'd like to be a part of it and seeing as most people appear to be choosing Evil, I will go Good.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Scaredgirl's (almost) NON-UPGRADED False God Rainbow
« on: February 25, 2010, 02:25:35 am »
Meh, never sell Nymphs...
thats the most ridiculous thing in the world, if a card has no use for yo then whats the point in keeping it? I have quite a few nymphs, and the only reason I havent sold them yet is because I havent decided whether ill be able to use it or not.
No, it does not have no use. It may have no use currently. I envisage, and I'm sure many others do too, that the future will be dominated by Nymphs. Nymphs will become invaluable. You only have to look at it in terms of how to get Nymphs. I believe you need on average 12 days of visiting the Oracle to obtain 1 Nymph. So if you consider an extra 75.7 (909/12) electrum a day worth it for losing a card that you cannot be guaranteed to get then sure, go for it. I myself know that I can just work harder to get the cards that I can buy from the Bazaar or upgrade cards. 75.75 electrum is what? 2-4 extra fights against Level 3 a day?

I will never sell cards that I have no control in obtaining (unless I get more than I can ever put in a deck).

Deck Help / Re: Help with my AI3 mastery grinder.
« on: February 24, 2010, 11:32:08 am »
If you want mastery that badly I would think a deck with only Pillars, Dusk Mantles and 6 Drain Lifes would do just fine.

I can't recall the composition of Level 3 but when I played with a Dark deck in those times burrow wasn't very necessary. Therefore, I recommend changing to Mark of Darkness.

Also, as Kameda somewhat mentioned, it could be better to win quickly than to win with mastery. It all depends on the timeframes you require. However, generally for anything other than False Gods and possibly Half Bloods I would say getting mastery is worth it (if you don't take massive time to get it).

Deck Help / Re: Life/Miracle/Shard Deck idea's?
« on: February 24, 2010, 05:33:26 am »
Haha! I wouldn't consider it a farm but it wasn't too difficult to defeat I guess. The deck basically utilised both Shards, Improved Miracle, Granite Skin, Basilisk Blood, and Sundial. (There were also a few Mirror Shields but they weren't important).

I am currently using a Fire Light deck. Same sort of thing except instead of Earth cards I use Fire cards namely Explosions, Fire Lances, and Fire Bucklers.

Basically if you want to make a deck-out deck, you need to be able to heal and you need to be able to reduce taking damage. Miracle is a must. Shards are also very cost effective ways to increase max HP (which helps Miracle) and to constantly heal. Sundials also stall a bit and allows you some acceleration if necessary (this is alright since most opponents wouldn't have 54 cards or more or have Eternity). For my Earth deck, the only creature control was Basilisk Blood which is used to stop important creatures from attacking and using their abilities. This lack of control is offset by the superior HP I get from Granite Skin. For my Fire deck, all the fire cards help to deny the opponent from setting up and dealing damage with creatures.

Overall, deck-out decks aren't very competitive. I just make them up for a bit of fun.

Deck Help / Re: Darkness Deck Help
« on: February 23, 2010, 11:24:19 pm »
Is there any reason for the spark?

Otherwise that's a good deck against Level 3. 30 cards is recommended so I would throw away the Dagger and 2 Vampires as well.

You won't be able to fight False Gods for a long time so just keep fighting Level 3. Dark isn't good against False Gods so you have to collect cards and electrum (money) until you can make a good deck. I recommend the deck with Nymph's Tears (,2630.0.html) because it is one of the cheapest FG grinders. If you want to be able to fight Top 50 then I would recommend going towards a rainbow.

Deck Help / Re: Darkness Deck Help
« on: February 23, 2010, 01:41:17 pm »
You really don't need to over-complicate things. I'm not sure if Level 3 has changed since when I used to fight them but a deck with 12-15 Obsidian Pillars, 6 Black Dragons, 6 Devourers, and 3-6 other things (e.g. Steals, Dusk Mantle, Nightfall) was excellent. In my opinion, Minor Vampires and Drain Life are not so useful.

Deck Help / Re: Darkness Deck Help
« on: February 23, 2010, 08:16:37 am »
Get rid of Quantum Pillars, Parasites and Spark. Consider getting up to 6 Devourers. Use a 30 card deck with about (15 - (# of Devourers) / 2) Obsidian Pillars. I haven't really considered optimising the deck with regards to the other cards but that's the fundamentals that you should follow.

Issue Archive / Re: Drain Life/Fire Lance
« on: February 23, 2010, 05:59:15 am »
Well yeah, so you wouldn't use it if you had less than 10, same way you wouldn't use Rain of Fire if there are no enemy creatures on the board. Or purify if you weren't poisoned... etc.
Those are totally different reasons. You do not use Rain of Fire if there are no creatures because there is no point. Similarly for Purify. You are saying that not using Fire Lance et al if one has less than 10 quanta because one shouldn't is the same as there being no point to using the cards.

General Discussion / Re: How are the Top 50 Decks determined?
« on: February 23, 2010, 05:52:15 am »
It's based solely on how high your score is. The reason you saw people in the T50 with 15k score points is because that was during the time the weekly scoreboards for the t50 reset and it just judges based on the highest score of people who log in submit their highscores via the highscores button.
At least, I'm pretty dang sure :).
No, you need to submit your score. After that it autoupdates after saves.

Issue Archive / Re: Drain Life/Fire Lance
« on: February 22, 2010, 09:43:02 pm »
I would say it rounds up mostly because the cards would otherwise not do anything if you have under 10 quanta.

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