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Messages - HeartNotes (107)

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Anvil Archive / Re: Prismatic Field | Prismatic Wall
« on: March 10, 2011, 01:15:42 am »
Cooool! What a neat idea, and way better than Dissipation Field!  :P

Deck Help / Re: please help with Non-upgraded FG rainbow deck.
« on: March 08, 2011, 05:03:21 pm »
If my Rustler is the first thing out, it gets nuked right away. If I put it out mid-game after Firefly Queen then I'm still good.

Crucible Archive / Re: Medusa | Medusa
« on: March 08, 2011, 04:36:16 pm »
I made this card before that card was released.
Fair enough. I like the idea of having an anti-Thunderstorm/Rain of Fire/Pandemonium card though or any other kind of effect upon being targeted.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Satyr | Pan
« on: March 08, 2011, 04:31:40 pm »
I think this card should give Nymphs a buff!  ;D Or act like a high-cost Pandemonium on a cost (2 Entropy cost?)

Of course, one could argue Nymphs don't need a buff... but you could have text like, "If a Nymph is on the field, Satyr gains +2/0 or some other effect... Satyrs are pretty famous for chasing after nymphs in Greek mythology. Or maybe I just read too much Xanth as a kid.

Ferox / Re: Oracle : Ferox
« on: March 07, 2011, 12:07:19 pm »
Rolled Ferox in the Oracle today, so here I am testing my own deck for real!  I decided to upgrade a few cards too - here's the deck I ran:

Code: [Select]
4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vd 4vd 4vd 4vd 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f3 5f3 5f3 5f3 6u7 6u7 6u7 7dl 7dl 7dl 7dl
Fire Bucklers and Improved Antimatter are definitely the most important upgrades - upgrading the Amethyst Pillars will take a lot more electrum for a similar effect, and Fire Bucklers improve your success rate even if you end up relying on your Mark in the start.

It butchered him, don't think he ever dropped me below 80.   :))
Since I had the upgrades, I used this version of the deck. I used it the past 5 times Ferox came up. I NEVER SAW A FREAKING FIRE BUCKLER. :'(

Collectible card games: Screw the rules, the computer has the RNG on its side!
This first deck worked amazingly for me, I barely hung on with 3 HP but I did it! I forgot to put the Shards of Gratitude in, as usual... still won. No card though.

Deck Help / Re: Poisonbow(I guess)
« on: March 06, 2011, 08:15:57 pm »
Have you considered a Forest Scorpion, one Blessing, and a Chrysaora and maybe a Dune Scorpion?

The thing I've noticed about AI3 is that nearly all the decks are very heavy on controlling the field, especially the Gravity/Earthquake Stoneskin elder (oh, how I hate him!)

The thing your deck lacks is staying power... maybe make this more of a Duo, and stick in 4-5 Air Pillars to keep your Pegasuses always Diving, and stick in a couple of Owl's Eyes if you have them. Another option is Sanctuary... if you're running Light, why not take advantage of the poor man's Shard of Gratitude?

You can also use Dragonflies for your Quantum generation... it's a 1|1 creature. Since you're already vulnerable to Creature Control, a few more creatures aren't going to hurt. But, mainly, an air Duo is going to give you access to Sky Blitz and Wings (only airborne creatures hit you).

I love Light, but it's shields are extremely situational and kind of sucky in a mono deck except that Solar Shield is decent. Hope needs Light-generating creatures and Reflective shield is only good against Unstable Gas or Firebolt decks.

If you're going Mono Light, Light has some of the best unupped Dragons in the game, Golden Dragons. They're amazing and have 10 HP so they're not glass cannons that are going to die at the first Shockwave or Lightning Bolt. There's worst things you could do than adding a few of more of those to your deck.

But right now you have 3 Blessings that you're only going to use on Pegasus. Anyway, check this out:

Anyway, I hope that helped a little. Good luck!

Deck Help / Re: Time/Life Deck
« on: March 06, 2011, 07:44:20 pm »
The thing I find about Life is that it's creatures are very very frail... but Mitosis is an amazing card and so is Adrenaline. By splashing in Aether, it gives you access to Quintessence which can protect a Mitosis "mother" card. If you put in Dark, you can grab the Cloak card and Darkness has Steal for Permanent Control, but in my experience Drain Life's damage is too low to use as a "nuke" card (only 2 damage if less than 10 Darkness quantum.)

For some reason, I really enjoyed running a Fire/Life rush. Both of them are about rushing fast and Fire Bolts, Deflagrations, and Rain of Fire are surprisingly versatile. On the downside, you're pulling less Life cards.

Anyway, choice is up to you. Offhand, Time is a good element but often focuses on speeding up card draw with Golden Hourglasses or using Rewind as delay-tactic Creature Control (in the same vein as Iridium, Freeze, or Basilisk Blood) which only mitigates damage, but doesn't prevent it ultimately. Life has a good shield in Thorn Carapace, but the cost is a bit prohibitive... if you like using Time, why not use a Procrastination shield or two?

Deck Help / Re: Unstoppable Scorpions
« on: March 06, 2011, 07:30:04 pm »
I've been consider Dune Scorpions decks, and I recently saw a Duo with Ghost of the Past and Nightmare that looked pretty interesting...

Ah, here it is:,22411.0.html

GoTP is a good damage card as well, worth the price not only for its passive but also for its high health and damage. Anyway, combined with more of a Duo-style deck splashed with Novas, I can see an unuppd version working as well. I'd like to try it as I have 6 Nightmares sitting around but I haven't splurged for the Ghosts yet.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Turbulence | Jet Stream
« on: March 06, 2011, 07:23:13 pm »
Thank you for all the feedback, everyone. I'll think about changing the cost and +/+ modifiers. Has anyone else already made a card to take further advantage of Airborne besides Sky Blitz and Wings shield?

Crucible Archive / Re: Medusa | Medusa
« on: March 06, 2011, 07:19:22 pm »
This seems like an echo of Iridium Warden, but that's not a bad thing. Plus, Medusa can still attack.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Elusiveness | Agility
« on: March 06, 2011, 07:16:48 pm »
This is a really neat idea. I hope this makes it to crucible!  ^-^ Will this put an icon on the card like Adrenaline or Momentum?

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