Bahahah! Hello everyone! Today I'm going to try something different and instead of typing everything out so it's a huge wall of text, I'm going to compile things into little voice chat snippits.
This is to make things more readable and so that now, you can listen as you browse

Voice Commentary for Introduction: (
The DeckHover over cards for details, click for permalink
6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 74a 74a 74a 74a 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 808 808 808 808 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 8pj
Voice Commentary for Deck: (
Caption: Nothing too fancy about this photo except for the hand that I have. This is a very nice starting hand. Why? Because the second after I use both of those Supernovas, the combo will begin in which I will Nightmare the Fire Spirit, Phase Shield myself up, and then Momentum my Dune Scorpion.

Caption: This is ending to the above picture AI andone of the first Lvl 3 computers that I started off testing this deck with.
The main thing here that's really awesome is how the computer will first play the Fire Spirit card until they run out of Quanta, and
THEN use the Fire Spirit's skill of Ablaze.

Caption: This is yet another Lvl 3 computer that I tested this deck on. Not much to say here except GAH! SO CLOSE TO EM

. Also, I put the second Dune Scorpion there for no apparent reason, in case you're wondering.

Caption: This is a picture of when I had now moved onwards to the Lvl 5 AIs. The main point about this picture is how I would Nightmare the Ash Eaters instead of anything else, as... Obviously, the AI would have more Quanta to use all of them rather than anything else.

Caption: This picture is purely focusing on the question of: "What card do I nightmare?" In this case, as some people find it obvious, you'd be nightmaring the Forest Scorpion as... 1) The computer has the most quanta of this card, 2) The Graboid is burrowed, 3) The Toadfish costs more than the scorpion, 4) The computer has less water quanta for the Toadfish, 5) The Toadfish has been quintessenced (:X even though you can't see it.. Shh,


Caption: YES! xD THIS PICTURE IS REAL! This is my win against a FG. Now, before you say anything.. I just want to first say...
I was unbelievably mindblown and filled with hatred at myself... Since for some reason, I always had trouble with the FG Destiny.
Secondly, as you could probably infer.. I used Nightmare on two main monsters: Fate Egg (For it's price efficiency) and then Maxwell's Demon (Because eventually, Destiny had much less Time Quanta than it did have Entropy.)
But yes

I am super proud of this picture :x.

Caption: Phew, well then... That's interesting! I was thinking about the FG Neptune after my Destiny Kill, and yes! Apparently any Fake God with no Permanent Control is beatable (and of course.. No momentum or Miracle etc. etc.)
-insert smiley face!-

Caption: Bloodsucker? 2 Darkness Quanta? What? What? Poison? What?
Voice Commentary for Final Notes: (
My Shameful Blooper for ENDING: (
(This blooper, or... Well, second ending attempt is because the site I was using [that I just found for this particular thread], YourListen, wasn't letting me upload anything above 2 minutes or something like that. So, if you notice closely enough, I switched sites halfway through.

Man, I'm such an addict.)
Note: Endings work now! I thought that you had to log in or be a member, but now I tried it today and yep! Endings work. Thank you so much, 4shared!
Pros-CC does not effect this deck at all. If you have one scorpion and momentum out, YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT IT! You can have the computer do whatever he or she or it wants to it. Does the computer want to rage potion it? Sure. Does the computer want to heal it? Sure.
As long as the scorpion has hit the computer at least once successfully, you are golden (So beware if the computer plays a sundial.)
-It's all mainly poison damage, meaning that this deck will bypass shields (as shown with the Lvl 3 Hope + Fire Queen combo deck).
-It's strong if the opponent has no permanent control, as stated in the commentary but apparently it doesn't work GRR, Phase Shields = 3 turns. 3 x 6 phase shields = 18 turns. 18 turns x (for example) 15 poison = a good 270 damage!
-Elemental Masteries! This deck has 'em! With the Phase Shield's blocking power and the life sucking powers of Nightmare, you do have the chance (and high ones too if you can rush your combo out fast enough) of leaving with 100 HP.
Cons-Permanent control destroys this deck. Sadly, with a few explosives, the enemy can easily destroy your four towers and can wipe out your phase shields with ease.
-Miracle kills this deck! I'll say the story here since the commentary doesn't work to my knowledge: Before I faced Destiny, I faced two other FGs. Morte and Seism. First off, Seism annoyed me SO much. Why? He had only around 40 health left, but apparently.. NO! I had no more quanta for a phase shield and died from that. I only had 10 Aether quanta to start off with, so I couldn't use my third phase shield.
Secondly, Morte was a heck of a surprise. I never, honestly, knew that Morte had miracle! I haven't faced him in FOREVER. Because of this, I chose to Nightmare his Rays of Light, which gave him an enormous amount of Light Quanta (but did deny his other creatures from entering the stage). And yes, he miracle'd me and because of that, I had no more shields left which made me sad!
-Does have some chances of bad hands although auto-mulligan helps a ton as it's almost always has given me at least one aether tower to start off with.
-Oh! Almost forgot. Momentum. That is all

-(I probably forgot some but I'm sure you can figure them out! These are just the main ones.)
Also stated in Ending: I've been thinking about switching the supernovas to novas for the 1 quanta cost for momentum and nightmare, and then having some pendulums for the Scorpion/Phase Shield but I'm not sure. Again, as stated in the Commentary for the Deck, I didn't really fine tune this but instead just lay the ground or base for ideas to pile up...
And there we have it! That is pretty much what I've said in the conclusion.
If you want to listen to it and enjoy the slight jokes I've made, you can by (to my knowledge) logging in or signing up.
Thanks for reading/viewing!
<3 iKevinly~
P.S. -

I have a trouble saying "Deck." I know... D: I can't really say "Book" either and all my friends make fun of me for saying, "Butt." >_>"!! So yes, please laugh at me xD.