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Deck Help / Re: Mono Darkness( again! I know!)
« on: January 22, 2011, 05:27:54 am »
If you really want the parasites, there are 2 options: 1) make this deck a fully-fledged :death :darkness duo. With the other option, you need to make sure that you understand pendulums.

In a lot of mono decks, I'm sure you've seen people split their pendulums and pillars in half. This is because their mark is the same as all the other pillars they're using. what I suggest to you is to change your mark to darkness and add death pendulums, because you honestly don't need it early game.

Devourers, in a sense, act as living pillars themselves, which lowers your need for :darkness even further, but you need some immediately at the start to get them out. I would suggest taking at least 3 of the darkness pendulums out for dragons.

The deck I'm thinking about is:

Mark of Darkness
5x :darkness pillar/pendulum
5x devourer
4x parasite
2x steal
2x nightfall
3x :darkness dragon
6x vampire
3x :death pendulum

I didn't test this, but that's what I just made up off the top of my head.
the chances of drawing 3 death pendulum just isn't enough. and i do need the early death quanta, its not all that difficult to put out a 2 :darkness quanta parasite in the second turn.

Honestly, what on earth does people changing half pillars to pendulums have to do with my deck? As you said, this is only for decks which have same mark as the pillars, generally monos. but my deck does not use that mark and is already resistent to earthquake wwith all the devourers. You can't compare those decks to my deck and just say "Hey! lets do the same thing! follow all those pro deckmasters!" Also, that deck up there looks horribly lacking in both death and darkness quanta. And as for making it fully fledged death/darkness, how is this not a fully fledged death darkness deck? Unless your meaning of "fully fledged" would be "Have creatures from both elements", which does not make sense a good majority of the time, especially since this is a stall and nothing in death can add any value here.

Also, I'm adopting another deck which i found in the mono darkness section. It was made for ai5s so i tweaked it a bit. For some reason i can't find the thread now bu tI'll post the link if i can find it.


Duo-Decks / Re: Let's throw some titan... (Duo)
« on: January 20, 2011, 08:47:01 am »
change mark to life, and all armagios to mitosis and now we are talking...
That would be in beta decks cause mitosis isn't out yet. Also, it seems too slow and needs a 4 card combo. Titan+animate weapon+mitosis+trebuchet, though you wouldn't really need trebuchet any more with all the damage from titans. not to mention what would happen if the opponent had an eternity/some rewinds.
u r screwed anyway if ur opponent has eternity/rewinds...
i just suggested it since it will be in the game later... i know it's not out yet...
and u do need more damage from trebuchet from all the titans (have u seen all the SoGs in PvP2?)
To be honest I don't see many decks with sogs in Pvp 2 outside of fire stall. Their all just rushes or mono darkness. And if you use mitosis on titans you can get an 8 atk creature a turn assuming you have enough quanta, so I don't see the need for trebuchets.

Duo-Decks / Re: Let's throw some titan... (Duo)
« on: January 19, 2011, 08:25:04 am »
change mark to life, and all armagios to mitosis and now we are talking...
That would be in beta decks cause mitosis isn't out yet. Also, it seems too slow and needs a 4 card combo. Titan+animate weapon+mitosis+trebuchet, though you wouldn't really need trebuchet any more with all the damage from titans. not to mention what would happen if the opponent had an eternity/some rewinds.

Im going to say one of the stupidest and silliest things I have done.  In BL a few days ago, I wasnt paying full attention to the game.  I was running a shrieker/graboid rush, and had 2 graboids on the field.  Its my turn, and Im flipping between the game, chat and the forums, and I press space bar without doing anything.  That left a pillar in my hand and 2 graboids sitting on the field that could have been shriekers.
I did almost the same thing, but i had a blessed pegasi on the field, and i forgot to dive it. PvP opponent won at 1 hp next turn. I'm going to hate myself forever for that. Almost out rushing fractix with mono light and i screw up  :-\

Gravity / Re: Acceleration
« on: January 18, 2011, 01:10:36 pm »
Overdrive is looking really OP. My armagio/archangel/Overdrive deck gets creatures above 15 atk so fast, its scary. not to mention the stall power. gravity pull armagio then overdrive it and you get the ultimate stall+atk creature. With archangels you can keep it alive forever. but that ai3 with rewinds owns, of course.

Deck Help / Re: Mono Darkness( again! I know!)
« on: January 18, 2011, 05:46:35 am »
Isn't there any way to make parasites more viable  :-\ I could make the decks you mentioned, but I'm not aiming for speed or even effectiveness, I'm just going for the originality. If i wanted some deck that would pwn everything, I'd just stick with the upgraded decks I already have. Right now I'm trying
-2 nightfall
-6 minor vampire
+3 Black Dragon
+3 liquid shadow
+2 Steals(this is just my personal preferance, you ca replace with whatever you want)

Deck Help / Re: Mono Darkness( again! I know!)
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:17:32 pm »
Change mark to  :darkness
+4 drain life
Just a big finish when you drop them after massing dark quanta, but something tells me you've tried this before.
ehh that would make it a totally different deck, and would be much more suited to pestal or something like that cause with 6 devourers you still cant build up huge darkness quanta.
Well as you stated, you have way too much death quanta going there, it actually took me a while before I figured out what you were using it for.

The idea of parasites might seem nice but it seems like a very unreliable form of creature control. I'd probably drop all the parasites myself.

-4 parasite

I suppose from there you could try a few ideas (note: all untested, just throwing them out there)

+6 poison
It'd take your deck to 32 so you might have to make room, but you could focus on quanta denial while slowly killing your opponent (Would also help vs shields, but I suppose that's what the steals are for)
As for poison, this is just my personal opinion but poison is quite fail unupgraded. Not enough power for the cost and not worth making mark death just for the poison. Not to mention you getting even more useless death quanta.

Change mark to  :earth
+4 Drain life
or +2 drain life, 2 basilik blood

devourers would then become a very big problem for opponents, as they couldn't be targeted

The basilisk blood idea looks rather situational, though burrowing devourers is nice. Upgraded, though, burrowing becomes rather obsolete as 5hp Pests are quite resistant to cc. And I do plan on upgrading the whole deck when i grind enough money

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: AI improvements
« on: January 17, 2011, 11:11:30 am »
AI will plate armor a shrieker then burrow it immediately, even if there are other things for it to heavy armor on the field

Deck Help / Mono Darkness( again! I know!)
« on: January 17, 2011, 10:05:53 am »
Code: [Select]
5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5un 5un 5un 5un 5up 5up 5uq 5uq 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 606 606 606 606 606 606
I just wanted to try a darkness deck that is more focused on cc unlike all the other darkness monos. I've tried out voodoo dolls instead of steal/nightfall and they seem to work well. I do have some problems like low damage output and excessive death quanta. The deck would probably be a lot faster upped because you could put out pests a lot faster but i only have about 5k in real game now because i spent all my money upping another deck. I'm also thinking of replacing 2 or 3 minor vampires with dragons to help with damage, maybe even removing the other vampires and putting some liquid shadow for the dragons.


Patch Notes and Development News / Re: AI improvements
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:32:23 am »
When my pvp opponent ragequited the ai played dune scorp, adrenalined it and then quinted it even though it had 0 atk.

Issue Archive / voodoo doll bug [not a bug]
« on: January 04, 2011, 01:49:09 pm »
I was playing the pandemonium voodoo doll ai3 with vader sader. So he had a voodoo doll out and played pandemonium, which ice bolted and froze it. My vampire dagger in weapon slot froze but when I played flying weapon, the weapon was not frozen as a creature and at the empty weapon slot there was the piece of ice that shows something being frozen. When I played a new dagger the ice still stayed and the dagger acted as if it was frozen. The ice also stayed there for more than three turns. I didn't get any screenshots but I'll try to reproduce it.

edit: so apparently the timer doesn't count down when there are no weapons in the slot so sorry I wasted your time.

Deck Help / Re: Too slow?
« on: January 04, 2011, 11:55:17 am »
I'm no expert at fractal scarab decks but i'll try...

You look like you have way too much gravity quanta. maybe just change mark to gravity,-1 chimera -9 gravity pendulums, and + 10 aether pillars. you should be able to pull of fractal a lot faster now. Maybe you could switch out 1 or 2 time pillars for precog since scarabs only cost 2  :time quanta and you want speed.

If you really really want the chimera in there for a killing blow through shields, I'd suggest replacing 2 time factories for 2 aether pillars and 3 gravity pendulums for aether pillars. In pvp this deck will probably get outrushed because its too slow with no stall or healling though, and i can't figure out how to do that without making deck over 30 cards/totally changing deck into pharaoh deck/rares such as SoG. You could try adding 2 procrastination but the chances of drawing them before getting outrushed isn't exactly ideal.

Try out my suggestions and see if its any better.

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