
Offline GyrodiotTopic starter

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Grid - Final Round https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28371.msg362609#msg362609
« on: July 08, 2011, 12:57:07 am »
Grid - Final Round

Final Round : time's up !

Useful notes
    This round, I'll be merciless with the picks.
You'll get an auto-loss in you don't send them before the deadline. The match may happen shortly after the deadline as usual (while I'm processing data), but no picks, no win.Good luck for this last round. Choose carefully your slots !5 winners forgot to include their Targets in their picks last round...[/list]
Event : Diagonal nightmare !
    This is the end... our Relic hunt will be over soon.I heard we'll have to explore the darkest places of the Grid.Trust me, you don't want to know what it hides. Mind-blowing secrets. Who would be brave enough to look for them ?I don't know. What is the true nature of the Grid ?Under the shiny Relics... you'll find a nightmare.[/list]
    Special Rules : If you pick no 2 slots in the same diagonal line, gain 15 extra Relics.

    You already can't pick 2 slots in the same row or column. This round event introduces a third restriction. Make a little Grid on a paper and you'll easily understand with an example.

    If you want to follow the event rules, if you pick J9, you can't pick B1, C2, D3, E4, F5, G6, H7, I8, K10, L11, G12, H11, I10, K8 and L7.

    These restrictions are similar to the eight queens puzzle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle), except we're on a 12x12 board. As you can see, there are only 14,200 possible picks satisfying the event rules. Hence the huge, huge bonus. This may be what you need to take the first place... if you're brave enough to take the risk.

    Please mention in your PM if you're following the round event or not. Don't forget your Relics spent. Also, you are not required to post your decks, nor your picks (in other words, you can just post the match results), especially if you're following the event. However, please complete your posts after the deadline (as picks won't be allowed once the countdown is over).

    Here's a reminder of the slot picking and deckbuilding rules :
      No 2 picks in the same row or columnNo card slot you picked last round (see the ban list below). If it's now a Relic slot, you can pick itYou can use 3 upped cards in all your decks for each Relic you spendAny size, any mark, any Pillars and PendulumsCards from the slots you have chosen (not necessarily all), any number of copies of themDouble-check your picks : once you sent me valid ones, you can't change them.

    All the results in a pretty table are here ! (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,28224.0.html)


    majofaPhoton - Dimensional Shield - Purple Dragon - Abomination - Earthquake - Heal - Fallen Elf
    ak65alaForest Scorpion - Heal - Emerald Dragon
    kevkev60614Dimensional Shield - Lobotomizer - Earthquake - Emerald Shield - Antlion - Phase Spider
    SeraphDune Scorpion - Chaos Power - Eternity - Momentum - Procrastination
    The MormegilEarthquake - Dune Scorpion - Chaos Seed - Eternity - Procrastination - Photon
    SteppingStone81Dune Scorpion - Sundial - Sapphire Charger - Eternity - Momentum - Forest Spirit
    ddevans96Dune Scorpion - Dimensional Shield - Owl's Eye - Deathstalker - Blessing - Golden Hourglass - Wings - Quintessence - Toadfish - Ghost of the Past - Parasite - Nightmare
    TheForbiddenOracleWings - Owl's Eye - Flying Weapon - Emerald Dragon - Thorn Carapace - Cockatrice - Procrastination - Ghost of the Past - Preocgnition - Gnome Rider - Hematite Golem - Gravity Shield
    RavingRabbidDimensional Shield - Devonian Dragon - Guardian Angel - Quintessence
    coinichProcrastination - Dune Scorpion - Momentum - Eternity - Chaos Seed
    TerrokingGuardian Angel - Phase Shield - Mindgate - Dissipation Shield - Abomination - Purple Dragon - Phase Spider
    agentflareGravity Shield - Ice Shield - Precognition - Devonian Dragon - Pharaoh - Eternity - Armagio - Ghost of the Past - Ice Dragon
    kirchj33Sundial - Dune Scorpion - Eternity - Precognition - Momentum - Ice Dragon
    KakerlakeGravity Shield - Dimensional Shield - Owl's Eye - Earthquake - Enchant Artifact - Sapphire Charger - Flying Weapon - Pulverizer
    valukaLightning - Dimensional Shield - Pandemonium - Precognition - Enchant Artifact - Flooding - Wings - Quintessence - Pulverizer - Ghost of the Past - Lycanthrope - Forest Spirit
    Napalm GrenadeLightning - Dimensional Shield - Nova - Sapphire Charger - Eternity
    nilsieboyProcrastination - Dune Scorpion - Momentum - Eternity - Chaos Seed
    DevilLossGravity Shield - Ice Shield - Precognition - Devonian Dragon - Pharaoh - Eternity - Armagio - Ghost of the Past - Ice Dragon
    dracomageatFreeze - Dimensional Shield - Mindgate - Nightmare - Chaos Seed - Trident
    calindu221Forest Scorpion - Heal - Emerald Dragon - Rustler - Procrastination
    mrpaperDimensional Shield - Lobotomizer - Mindgate - Photon - Phase Spider
    Five In OneOwl's Eye - Procrastination - Dune Scorpion - Devonian Dragon - Pharaoh - Momentum - Eternity - Precognition
    JockoMitosis - Heal - Luciferine - Emerald Dragon - Rustler
    truddy02Steal - Owl's Eye - Crimson Dragon - Fire Spirit - Miracle - Blessing - Chimera - Flying Weapon - Ghost of the Past - Nightmare - Anubis - Lava Golem

    kevkev60614vs.The Mormegil
    Seraphvs.Napalm Grenade
    TheForbiddenOraclevs.Five In One

    HTML version

    1LightningSilenceIce ShieldSkeletonGnome RiderMummySteal1 Relic1 RelicBone DragonShort Bow1 Relic
    2Freeze1 RelicOwl's EyeShockwaveDeja VuFloodingThunderstormBlack HolePhotonShrieker2 RelicsIce Dragon
    3NightfallCrimson DragonFireflyOtyugh2 RelicsPlague1 RelicChrysaoraGraviton Mercenary1 RelicGolden DragonNymph's Tears
    4Schrödinger's Cat3 Relics1 RelicDragonflyLuciferinePegasus1 Relic1 RelicFire SpiritFahrenheitSolar Shield1 Relic
    52 RelicsShield1 Relic1 Relic1 RelicMiracleEmerald ShieldHammerArmagioRustlerHematite GolemTitanium Shield
    61 RelicImmortal1 RelicAsh EaterBlessingNovaButterfly EffectPurple DragonSoul CatcherTitan1 RelicForest Spirit
    7ChimeraRain of Fire1 Relic1 Relic2 RelicsCockatriceAbomination1 RelicPulverizerShort SwordParasiteGargoyle
    8Sky Blitz1 Relic1 RelicDeathstalkerCrusader1 Relic1 Relic1 RelicGraboid1 RelicLycanthrope1 Relic
    9Graviton Fire Eater2 RelicsScarab1 Relic1 RelicHoly LightBoneyardDevourerMomentumGhost of the Past1 RelicAflatoxin
    10Guardian Angel1 Relic1 RelicFlesh SpiderEnchant ArtifactWyrmImmolation2 RelicsAntlionFate Egg1 RelicNightmare
    11Fallen ElfPhase DragonChaos SeedAnubisStone SkinDaggerSapphire Charger2 Relics1 Relic1 Relic1 Relic1 Relic
    12Skull ShieldDusk MantleFire ShieldPrecognitionDissipation ShieldGolden Hourglass1 RelicVirusTridentIridium WardenLava GolemVulture
    Went AWOL. No reason.
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    Re: Grid - Final Round https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28371.msg362694#msg362694
    « Reply #1 on: July 08, 2011, 06:23:36 am »
    If i right, in the example the last pick is no L7 instead of L8?

    Offline Kakerlake

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    Re: Grid - Final Round https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28371.msg362709#msg362709
    « Reply #2 on: July 08, 2011, 07:42:27 am »
    Stuff is so much easier to understand with pictures =)

    F3 was picked. So Colomn F and Row 3 can't be chosen.
    H7 was picked. So Colomn H and Row 7 can't be chosen.
    Additionally, if you want to follow the event, you may not use the sqares which have blue lines in it.

    So G5 would be yet another legit pick, G6 isn't. (for the event)

    Offline GyrodiotTopic starter

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    Re: Grid - Final Round https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28371.msg362769#msg362769
    « Reply #3 on: July 08, 2011, 11:27:28 am »
    If i right, in the example the last pick is no L7 instead of L8?
    You're right, I fixed the example (I have to stop doing things at 3AM, I'll make less mistakes).

    @Kakerlake : Indeed, it's easier with a picture :) Thanks for providing one ^^
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    Re: Grid - Final Round https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28371.msg362783#msg362783
    « Reply #4 on: July 08, 2011, 12:32:46 pm »
    Mmm, only 14,200 distinct solutions to choose from  :o

    Offline GyrodiotTopic starter

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    Re: Grid - Final Round https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28371.msg362824#msg362824
    « Reply #5 on: July 08, 2011, 03:10:47 pm »
    As calindu said in chat... Targets are now completely useless as this is the final round ^^
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    Offline dracomageat

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    Re: Grid - Final Round https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28371.msg362945#msg362945
    « Reply #6 on: July 08, 2011, 07:54:43 pm »
    So if I don't care how unplayable my deck is, what's the biggest number of relics I can pick while still staying within the bonus restrictions?

    EDIT: Forget that plan, even 30 relics wouldn't make the slightest difference to my poor standings but I would like to point out that I should have 8, not 6.

    Offline coinich

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    Re: Grid - Final Round https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28371.msg363406#msg363406
    « Reply #7 on: July 09, 2011, 09:45:27 pm »
    Solving 12x12 Queens and then matching solutions (14200!) to my grid picks, then narrowing it down based on certain relic positions is a great way to optimize my round :>

    Offline dracomageat

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    Re: Grid - Final Round https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28371.msg363815#msg363815
    « Reply #8 on: July 10, 2011, 04:05:27 pm »
    So I've PMed my opponent and they haven't responded. This annoys me because I would like to win a round before it's all over.

    EDIT: and now I'm all out of time. :(

    EDIT 2: my opponent has now responded but it's more than a bit late.


    blarg: majofa,Terroking,ak65ala,SteppingStone81,kevkev60614,The Mormegil,Seraph,Napalm Grenade,ddevans96,truddy02,TheForbiddenOracle,Five In One,RavingRabbid,Kakerlake,coinich,nilsieboy,agentflare,kirchj33,valuka,calindu221,DevilLoss,dracomageat,mrpaper,Jocko