If everyone thinks this is OP provide nerf suggestions and perhaps we need to vote on what is best.
All depends on how much we can change in this card. A lot of Players think that PC skill for everyone is OP, so changing card cost, ability cost, Attack/Hp do nothing for them. I understand Players, because it is too easy destroy permament today and tomorrow it will be easier. We want some kind of soft PC. Destroy isn't soft, it is a hard type of PC.
Personally I think that this Shard should destroy ONLY shield and/or weapon (and maybe it should be random). It will be still very powerful, but cards like Pillars/Towers, FeralBond, SoulCatcher etc. will be still in game. In original conception it is too big nerf for weaker elements like


(Feral Bond). What is more - Sanctuary now will be unuseful against BlackHole and Gravity decks. You can have 6 Sanc in deck and all will be easy destroy by SoF. For me it is too much OP things in this card.