Okay, so I had this epic deck idea, but tbh it uses a TON of cards, so I'm not sure how well it would work.
I would like feedback, and if you like the idea, I encourage you to create a deck based on it (It should be FG killer worthy if it works).
Basically what you do is you use HGs to draw quickly, and set up aflatoxin + spine carapace. You then use a nightmare to clog up your opponents hand with malignant cells, and use Eternity to continually reverse one back into their deck.
Because malignant cells reproduce without them needing to play anything, you can do this indefinitely if you get 2 eternitys out.
Once all their creatures die, you basically put them in a total hand/field/deck lock, preventing them from doing absolutely ANYTHING.
With a couple SoGs, you could probably grab an easy EM, if you have the damage output.