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Re: What Upgraded Cards are the Best Compared to Their Unupped Version? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9099.msg112352#msg112352
« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2010, 04:49:30 pm »
if we were to count everything that goes down on quantum / ups attack slightly / ups defense slightly, we would end with :

Other :

Short sword - long sword.(Ups 3 attack.)
Dagger - dirk.(Ups 1 attack)
Hammer - gavel(Ups 3 attack)
Shard (blue) - SoD
Shard (green) - SoG
Shard (yellow) - SoR

:entropy :entropy :entropy Entropy  :entropy :entropy :entropy

Maxwell's Demon - Maxwell's Demon (Ups 2 defense.)
Purple dragon - Amethyst dragons (Cost and defense raise by 1. Attack raises by 2.)
Lycanthrope - Werewolf (Ability goes - 1 :darkness )
Fallen elf - Fallen druid (The cost stays the same, defense goes up by 1 and mutations are improved.)
Discord - Improved discord (Attack is upped by 2)

 :death :death :death Death :death :death :death

Bone dragon - Ivory dragon (Cost stays the same but attack ups by 1.)
Virus - Retrovirus. (Cost goes up, but instead of infection it's now plague.)
Flesh Spider - Flesh Recluse (Cost stays the same, attack goes up by 3.)
Vulture - Condor (Same cost, + 1 attack and defense.)
Skull Shield - Skull Buckler (Cost lowers by 2)
Skeleton - Elite skeleton (No one uses, I think, but the cost stays the same and attacks up by 1 defense and 1 attack.)
Poison - Deadly Poison (1 :death cost goes up, 1 :death counter also goes up.)
Plague - Improved Plague. (The cost goes down by 2)
Bone Wall -  Bone Wall (The cost goes down by 2.)
Arsenic - Arsenic (The cost is the same, but 2 attack ups.)

 :gravity :gravity :gravity Gravity  :gravity :gravity :gravity

Sapphire Charger - Elite Charger (3 attack up, no cost difference. o.o)
Armagio - Elite Armagio (5 defense up, 1 attack up, cost same)
Graviton Mercenary - Graviton Guard (the cost lowers by 2.)
Colossal Dragon - Massive Dragon (A whooping 18 boost in defense, 1 attack up, and 2 cost higher.)
Gravity Shield - Gravity Shield (Cost lowers by 2)
Momentum - Unstoppable (Cost lowers by 1)
Otyugh - Elite Otyugh (Cost goes up by 1, defense ups by 2)
Gravity Pull - Gravity Force (The cost lowers by 1)
Graviton Fire Eater - Graviton Firemaster (cost lowers by 1, and defense ups by 1)
Titan - Titan (No cost change + 1 attack)

 :earth :earth :earth Eart  :earth :earth :earth

Antlion - Elite Antlion (2 attack up, 1 defense up, no cost change)
Hematite Golem - Steel Golem (2 attack up, 3 defense up, no cost change.)
Stone Dragon - Basalt Dragon (everything (attack, defense, cost) ups by two.)
Plate Armor - Heavy Armor (No cost change, ups the defense the critter gains by 3 (adding to the 3 it had, so it is +6 in a monsters def boost)
Gnome Rider - Gnome Gemfinder (Adds 1 earth to your quanta pool each turn)
Graboid - Elite Graboid ( No change, but the Elite Graboid evolves to a Elite shrieker..)
Shrieker - Elite Shrieker ( No cost change, but the attack ups by 2 and def by 1)
Earthquake - Quicksand (Cost lowers by 1)
Pulverizer - Pulverizer (ability cost goes down by 1.)

 :life :life :life Life  :life :life :life

Emerald Dragon - Jade Dragon (The cost goes up by two, attack ups by 2, defense ups by 3.)
Horned Frog - Giant Frog (No cost change, no defense change, but +2 attack.)
Rustler - Leaf Dragon (2 defense boost.)
Cockatrice - Elite cockatrice (No cost change, + 1 attack and defense.)
Forest Spirit - Forest Spectre (No cost change, + 1 boost to attack and +2 to defense.)
Heal - Improved Heal (Lower costs by 1)
Carapace Shield - Carapace Buckler (+1 attack block)
Emphatic Bond - Feral Bond (Cost lowers by 1)
Druidic staff - Jade Staff (No cost difference, attack ups by 2)

 :fire :fire :fire Fire  :fire :fire :fire

Ash Eater - Brimstone Eater (adds 1 fire quantum to your quantum pool each turn.)
Crimson Dragon - Ruby Dragon (+2 cost, +3 attack, -1 def.)
Fire Spirit - Fire Spectre (+2 attack +1 defense.)
Fire Bolt - Fire Lance (cost lowers by 2)
Fire Shield - Fire Buckler(Cost lowers by 2)
Deflagration - Explosion (Cost lowers by 1)
Rain of Fire - Fire Storm (Cost lowers by 2)
Immolation - Cremation (Instead of 7 to fire quantum pool, +9 upped.)
Lava Golem - Lava Destroyer (No cost change, attack +2)
Fahrenheit  - Fahrenheit (+1 attack.)

 :water :water :water Water  :water :water :water

Chrysaora - Physalia (+2 attack)
Blue Crawler - Abyss Crawler (+3 attack, +3 defense. +1 cost)
Freeze - Congeal (The critter is now stuck for 4 turns instead of 3)
Ice bolt - Ice Lance (cost lowers by 2)
Ice Shield - Permafrost Shield (Cost ups by 2 (?), the defense it denies is now 2)
Purify - Purify (healing counter is 2 instead of 1)
Ice Dragon - Arctic Dragon (cost ups by 2, attack by 4, defense lowers by 1)
Mind Flayer - Ulitharid (+1 cost, +1 attack, +2 defense, -1 ability cost ( :aether ) )
Trident - Poseidon (Ability cost - 1)

 :light :light :light Light  :light :light :light

Photon - Ray of Light (+1 light quantum each turn)
Golden Dragon - Light Dragon (+1 cost, +2 def and attack)
Pegasus - Elite Pegasus (+1 attack, +2 defense)
Holy Light - Holy Flash (Cost becomes 0. )
Solar Shield - Solar Buckler (-1 cost)
Guardian Angel - Archangel (The cost goes up by 3, but the attack goes up by 6  and defense by 1)
Blessing - Improved Blessing (-1 cost)
Miracle - Improved Miracle (The quanta necessary to cast is lowered by 3, but the rest of the light quantum you have still is extinguished when this card is played.)
Morning Star - Morning Glory (+1 attack.)

 :air :air :air Air  :air :air :air

Dragonfly - Damselfly (+1 attack, -1 defense, 1 air quantum per turn.)
Wyrm - Elite Wyrm (+2 attack.)
Azure Dragon - Sky Dragon (+2 cost, +3 attack, +1 defense)
Fog Shield - Improved Fog (-1 Cost)
Thunderstorm - Lightning Storm (-1 cost)
Flying Weapon - Animate Weapon (cost is 1 random quantum instead of 1 air.)
Firefly Queen - Elite Queen (produces elite fireflies)
Firefly - Elite Firefly (+1 attack, gains fire quantum instead of light)
Owl's eye - Eagle's Eye (+2 attack.)

 :time :time :time Time  :time :time :time

Deja Vu (+1 attack +1 defense)
Fate Egg -  Fate Egg (Hatches a upped critter)
Procrastination - Turtle Shield (-2 cost)
Reverse Time - Rewind(-1 cost)
Golden Hourglass - Electrum Hourglass (Ability -1)
Devonian Dragon - Sirulian Dragon (+3 attack, + 2 cost, defense - ?)
Anubis - Elite Anubis (-1 ability.)
Scarab - Elite Scarab (+1 attack.)
Eternity - Eternity (-1 cost)

 :darkness :darkness :darkness Darkness  :darkness :darkness :darkness

Black Dragon - Obsidian Dragon (+2 cost, +2 attack, +1 defense.)
Devourer - Pest (+2 defense.)
Parasite - Bloodsucker (+2 attack)
Dusk Mantle - Improved Dusk (-2 cost)
Steal - Improved Steal (-1 cost)
Nightfall - Eclipse (cost = ?, attack +2 on all :death or :darkness Critters, while before the attack was +1)
Drain Life - Siphon Life (cost -2)
Vampire Stiletto - Vampire Dagger (+1 cost, +2 attack)

 :aether :aether :aether Aether  :aether :aether :aether

Spark - Ball of Lightning (+2/3(?????) attack)
Lightning - Thunderbolt (-1 cost)
Parallel Universe - Twin Universe (-1 cost)
Immortal - Elite Immortal (?? cost +1, attack +1 ???)
Dimensional Shield - Phase Shield (-1 cost)
Phase Dragon - Elite Phase Dragon (+1 cost, +2 attack )
Phase Spider - Phase Recluse (+1 cost +3 attack)
Lobotomizer - Electrocutor (-1 ability cost)



Though It's not over.

Cards I left out (and why)

All pillars (No explanation for this one, sorry. just because... it's not that big a upgrade..)

Abomination (The cost lowers a lot, true. but the attack too. and defense too.)
Dissipation Shield - Dissipation Field (Depends on playstyle. the upped works for rainbows, with quantum pillars.)
Chaos Seed - Chaos Power (again, playstyle. it depends if you want to harm the opponent's critters or buff your own.)
Nova - Supernova ( AGAIN, playstyle. Supernova has 2 entropy cost but gives 2 extra quantum to each element. Nova has no cost but gives 1 to each)
Mutation - Improved Mutation (again.. playstyle. with un-upped you could harm the opponent by turning his critters into abomination, with improved you can get your critters enhanced.)

Boneyard - Graveyard (Cost ups by two, but gives elite skeleton. It's not that good..)

Titanium shield - Diamond Shield (the cost goes up, but defense goes up. problem is, cost goes up more then the defense.)

Emerald Shield - Jade Shield (Read up ^^)

Toadfish - Pufferfish (Deals poison when hits, but attack lowered.)

Arctic Squid - Octopus (no change?)

Reflective Shield - Mirror Shield (No change?)

Sundial (Might think about that. the cost turns 0, but to draw a cost is 2 light.)

Minor vamp - Vampire (The cost is more then the attack boost????)

Immortal - Elite Immortal (???)


Sorry for the long post. Anyway, I think I might have missed some cards, And I sure missed some information. everything that is with a "?", even if it's 1,2,3, or 100, it's that I don't know if the information is right.


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Re: What Upgraded Cards are the Best Compared to Their Unupped Version? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9099.msg112376#msg112376
« Reply #37 on: July 11, 2010, 05:53:16 pm »
Titanium shield - Diamond Shield (the cost goes up, but defense goes up. problem is, cost goes up more then the defense.)

Emerald Shield - Jade Shield (Read up ^^)

Arctic Squid - Octopus (no change?)

Reflective Shield - Mirror Shield (No change?)

Sundial (Might think about that. the cost turns 0, but to draw a cost is 2 light.)

Minor vamp - Vampire (The cost is more then the attack boost????)

Immortal - Elite Immortal (???)
Diamond Shield - cost + 40% - defense + 50%
Jade Shield - cost + 40% - defense + 100%
--> cost < defense (increase)

Arctic Octopus - freeze -> congeal

Mirror Shield - dmg reduction +1

Vampire - cost + 66,7% - attack + 100%

Elite Immortal - cost + 16,7% - attack + 25% - hp + 33,3%

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Re: What Upgraded Cards are the Best Compared to Their Unupped Version? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9099.msg112397#msg112397
« Reply #38 on: July 11, 2010, 06:58:41 pm »
if we were to count everything that goes down on quantum / ups attack slightly / ups defense slightly, we would end with :

Other :

Short sword - long sword.(Ups 2 attack.)ups 3 attack
Dagger - dirk.(Ups 1 attack)
Hammer - gavel(Ups 2 attack)ups 3 attack
Shard (blue) - SoD
Shard (green) - SoG
Shard (yellow) - SoR

:entropy :entropy :entropy Entropy  :entropy :entropy :entropy

Maxwell's Demon - Maxwell's Demon (Ups 2 defense.)
Purple dragon - Amethyst dragons (Cost, defense, and attack all raise by 1:entropy.)attack goes up by2
Lycanthrope - Werewolf (Ability goes - 1 :darkness )
Fallen elf - Fallen druid (The cost stays the same, defense goes up by 1 and mutations are improved.)
Discord - Improved discord (Attack is upped by 2)

 :death :death :death Death :death :death :death

Bone dragon - Ivory dragon (Cost stays the same but both attack and defense are upped by 1 each.)no health boost
Virus - Retrovirus. (Cost goes up, but instead of infection it's now plague.)
Flesh Spider - Flesh Recluse (Cost stays the same, attack goes up by 2.)goes up by 3
Vulture - Condor (Same cost, + 1 attack and defense.)
Skull Shield - Skull Buckler (Cost lowers by 2)
Skeleton - Elite skeleton (No one uses, I think, but the cost stays the same and attacks up by 1 defense and 1 attack.)
Poison - Deadly Poison (1 :death cost goes up, 1 :death counter also goes up.)
Plague - Improved Plague. (The cost goes down by 2)
Bone Wall -  Bone Wall (The cost goes down by 2.)
Arsenic - Arsenic (The cost is the same, but 2 attack ups.)

 :gravity :gravity :gravity Gravity  :gravity :gravity :gravity

Sapphire Charger - Elite Charger (3 attack up, no cost difference. o.o)
Armagio - Elite Armagio (5 defense up, 1 attack up, cost same)
Graviton Mercenary - Graviton Guard (the cost lowers by 2.)
Colossal Dragon - Massive Dragon (A whooping 18 boost in defense, 1 attack up, and 2 cost higher.)
Gravity Shield - Gravity Shield (Cost lowers by 2)
Momentum - Unstoppable (Cost lowers by 1)
Otyugh - Elite Otyugh (Cost goes up by 1, defense ups by 2)
Gravity Pull - Gravity Force (The cost lowers by 1)
Graviton Fire Eater - Graviton Firemaster (cost lowers by 1, and defense ups by 1)
Titan - Titan (No cost change + 1 attack)

 :earth :earth :earth Earth  :earth :earth :earth

Antlion - Elite Antlion (2 attack up, 1 defense up, no cost change)
Hematite Golem - Steel Golem (2 attack up, 3 defense up, no cost change.)
Stone Dragon - Basalt Dragon (everything (attack, defense, cost) ups by two.)
Plate Armor - Heavy Armor (No cost change, ups the defense the critter gains by 3 (adding to the 3 it had, so it is +6 in a monsters def boost)
Gnome Rider - Gnome Gemfinder (Adds 1 earth to your quanta pool each turn)
Graboid - Elite Graboid ( No change, but the Elite Graboid evolves to a Elite shrieker..)
Shrieker - Elite Shrieker ( No cost change, but the attack ups by 2 and def by 1)
Earthquake - Quicksand (Cost lowers by 1)
Pulverizer - Pulverizer (cost ups by 1, no attack change, but the ability goes from 3 quantum to 1 quantum.)
no cost change abilitie goes down by one
 :life :life :life Life  :life :life :life

Emerald Dragon - Jade Dragon (The cost goes up by two, attack ups by 1, defense ups by 3.)attack goes up by 2
Horned Frog - Giant Frog (No cost change, no defense change, but +2 attack.)
Rustler - Leaf Dragon (2 defense boost.)
Cockatrice - Elite cockatrice (No cost change, + 1 attack and defense.)
Forest Spirit - Forest Spectre (No cost change, + 1 boost to attack and +2 to defense.)
Heal - Improved Heal (Lower costs by 1)
Carapace Shield - Carapace Buckler (Lower costs by 2)doesnt lower cost but gets a 1 attack block
Emphatic Bond - Feral Bond (Cost lowers by 1)
Druidic staff - Jade Staff (No cost difference, attack ups by 2)

 :fire :fire :fire Fire  :fire :fire :fire

Ash Eater - Brimstone Eater (adds 1 fire quantum to your quantum pool each turn.)
Crimson Dragon - Ruby Dragon (+2 cost, +3 attack, -1 def.)
Fire Spirit - Fire Spectre (+2 attack +1 defense.)
Fire Bolt - Fire Lance (cost lowers by 2)
Fire Shield - Fire Buckler(Cost lowers by 2)
Deflagration - Explosion (Cost lowers by 1)
Rain of Fire - Fire Storm (Cost lowers by 2)
Immolation - Cremation (Instead of 7 to fire quantum pool, +9 upped.)
Lava Golem - Lava Destroyer (Cost change = ? , attack +2)no cost change
Fahrenheit  - Fahrenheit (+1 attack.)

 :water :water :water Water  :water :water :water

Chrysaora - Physalia (+2 attack)
Blue Crawler - Abyss Crawler (+3 attack, cost ups/lowers by ?) plus 3 attack plus 3 life plus one cost
Freeze - Congeal (The critter is now stuck for 4 turns instead of 3)
Ice bolt - Ice Lance (cost lowers by 2)
Ice Shield - Permafrost Shield (Cost ups by 2 (?), the defense it denies is now 2)
Purify - Purify (The cost changes to random, and the healing counter is 2 instead of 1)still costs one water uped
Ice Dragon - Arctic Dragon (cost ups by 2, attack by 4, defense lowers by 1)
Mind Flayer - Ulitharid (+1 cost, +1 attack, +2 defense, -1 ability cost ( :aether ) )
Trident - Poseidon (Ability cost - 1)

 :light :light :light Light  :light :light :light

Photon - Ray of Light (+1 light quantum each turn)
Golden Dragon - Light Dragon (+1 cost, +2 def and attack)
Pegasus - Elite Pegasus (+2 defense)plus one attack also the 2 life is right
Holy Light - Holy Flash (Cost becomes 0. )
Solar Shield - Solar Buckler (-2 cost)minus 1 cost
Guardian Angel - Archangel (The cost goes up by 3, but the attack goes up by 6  and defense by 1)
Blessing - Improved Blessing (-1 cost)
Miracle - Improved Miracle (The quanta necessary to cast is lowered by 3, but the rest of the light quantum you have still is extinguished when this card is played.)
Morning Star - Morning Glory (+1 attack.)

 :air :air :air Air  :air :air :air

Dragonfly - Damselfly (+1 attack, -1 defense..)also produces air
Wyrm - Elite Wyrm (+1 attack.) its plus 2 attack
Azure Dragon - Sky Dragon (+2 cost, +3 attack)its also plus 1 life
Fog Shield - Improved Fog (-1 Cost)
Thunderstorm - Lightning Storm (-1 cost)
Flying Weapon - Animate Weapon (cost is 1 random quantum instead of 1 air.)
Firefly Queen - Elite Queen (produces elite fireflies, -1 cost)no cost change
Firefly - Elite Firefly (+1 attack, gains fire quantum instead of light)
Owl's eye - Eagle's Eye (+2 attack.)

 :time :time :time Time  :time :time :time

Deja Vu (+1 attack +1 defense)
Fate Egg -  Fate Egg (Hatches a upped critter)
Procrastination - Turtle Shield (-2 cost)
Reverse Time - Rewind Time (-1 cost)its called rewind only
Golden Hourglass - Electrum Hourglass (Ability -1)
Devonian Dragon - Sirulian Dragon (+3 attack, + 2 cost, defense - ?)
Anubis - Elite Anubis (-1 ability.)
Scarab - Elite Scarab (+1 attack.)
Eternity - Eternity (-1 ability?)same ability cost but cost goes down by one

 :darkness :darkness :darkness Darkness  :darkness :darkness :darkness

Black Dragon - Obsidian Dragon (+2 cost, +2 attack, +1 defense.)
Devourer - Pest (+2 attack.) should be life
Parasite - Bloodsucker (+2 attack)
Dusk Mantle - Improved Dusk (-2 cost)
Steal - Improved Steal (-1 cost)
Nightfall - Eclipse (cost = ?, attack +2 on all :death or :darkness Critters, while before the attack was +1)
Drain Life - Siphon Life (cost -2)
Vampire Stiletto - Vampire Dagger (+1 cost, +2 attack)

 :aether :aether :aether Aether  :aether :aether :aether

Spark - Ball of Lightning (+2/3(?????) attack)
Lightning - Thunderbolt (-2 cost)minus one cost
Parallel Universe - Twin Universe (-1 cost)
Immortal - Elite Immortal (?? cost +1, attack +1 ???)
Dimensional Shield - Phase Shield (-1 cost)
Phase Dragon - Elite Phase Dragon (+1 cost, +2 attack )
Phase Spider - Phase Recluse (+1 cost +3 attack)
Lobotomizer - Electrocutor (-1 ability cost)



Though It's not over.

Cards I left out (and why)

All pillars (No explanation for this one, sorry. just because... it's not that big a upgrade..)

Abomination (The cost lowers a lot, true. but the attack too. and defense too.)
Dissipation Shield - Dissipation Field (Depends on playstyle. the upped works for rainbows, with quantum pillars.)
Chaos Seed - Chaos Power (again, playstyle. it depends if you want to harm the opponent's critters or buff your own.)
Nova - Supernova ( AGAIN, playstyle. Supernova has 2 entropy cost but gives 2 extra quantum to each element. Nova has no cost but gives 1 to each)
Mutation - Improved Mutation (again.. playstyle. with un-upped you could harm the opponent by turning his critters into abomination, with improved you can get your critters enhanced.)

Boneyard - Graveyard (Cost ups by two, but gives elite skeleton. It's not that good..)

Titanium shield - Diamond Shield (the cost goes up, but defense goes up. problem is, cost goes up more then the defense.)

Emerald Shield - Jade Shield (Read up ^^)

Toadfish - Pufferfish (Deals poison when hits, but attack lowered.)

Arctic Squid - Octopus (no change?)

Reflective Shield - Mirror Shield (No change?)

Sundial (Might think about that. the cost turns 0, but to draw a cost is 2 light.)

Minor vamp - Vampire (The cost is more then the attack boost????)

Immortal - Elite Immortal (???)


Sorry for the long post. Anyway, I think I might have missed some cards, And I sure missed some information. everything that is with a "?", even if it's 1,2,3, or 100, it's that I don't know if the information is right.
lots of factual errors corrected and are in red the correction is right next to the error no way im reading that whole thing again hope it helps for future reference also if i missed one please correct it


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Re: What Upgraded Cards are the Best Compared to Their Unupped Version? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9099.msg112417#msg112417
« Reply #39 on: July 11, 2010, 07:44:18 pm »
Sorry for the long post. Anyway, I think I might have missed some cards, And I sure missed some information. everything that is with a "?", even if it's 1,2,3, or 100, it's that I don't know if the information is right.
Dude, that's why I made this: Upgrades (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,9365.0.html)


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Re: What Upgraded Cards are the Best Compared to Their Unupped Version? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9099.msg112419#msg112419
« Reply #40 on: July 11, 2010, 07:50:41 pm »
Firestorm goes from 7 to 5.
Bone Wall goes from 7 to 5.
Dusk goes from 6 to 5.
Fire Buckler goes from 6 to 4.
Holy light goes from 1 to zero. (you can play it in any deck, no matter the quanta or type. 6 make 60 healing)
Dusk goes from 6 to 4 as well, I believe.
Turtle Shield goes from 6 to 4 as well.

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Re: What Upgraded Cards are the Best Compared to Their Unupped Version? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9099.msg112442#msg112442
« Reply #41 on: July 11, 2010, 09:07:01 pm »
Thanks IceColdBro for all the corrections.
I know I made some slight (or big) mistakes here and there, but the list is complete (I think)

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Re: What Upgraded Cards are the Best Compared to Their Unupped Version? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9099.msg112693#msg112693
« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2010, 06:25:35 am »
Thanks IceColdBro for all the corrections.
I know I made some slight (or big) mistakes here and there, but the list is complete (I think)
sure no prob time to go back to not reading anything over 4 lines anyway i also had some help from chat(implosion specifically) hes responsible fro ligthning and others that i dont remember(purify, rewind)

