I've been playing Elements casually for awhile, and really enjoy the game. I have at least 12 of most rares (not necessarily upgraded) except the elusive Nymphs and a shard or two, and cycle between 2 or 3 decks to farm FG's, play in the Arena, or occasionally play some PVP2. However, I'm a bit lost at the moment. Since I have a few decks that are fully upgraded, and I like playing all of them, I've just been gathering gold. I have around 100,000 gold at the moment, and don't know what to spend it on. There aren't any decks I want to play, but I also don't want to arbitrarily upgrade random cards since it seems like a waste. I've thought about just keeping 90,000 in the bank, since that would let me upgrade 60 cards if the rules changed and all of my decks are borked, and then upgrading randomly as I go, but am interested in hear what other players do/have done at this point in the game.
I enjoy the grind, don't get me wrong, this is just the first time since starting to play that I don't have a clear goal in mind, such as saving up to upgrade X cards for a specific deck or deck idea. The ultimate goal is to get 12 of every card obviously, but is there a better/recommended upgrade path?
Also, and this is just a personal mental block, but I cannot bring myself to sell any rare cards. I'm sure my numbers are tiny compared to less casual players, but I have ~20 of most shards, 24 Pharoahs, 19 Morning Glories, etc. I know I should sell them so I only have 6 base and 6 upgraded, but I have that nagging feeling in my head preventing me. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the old relics turning into Shards. I was shocked one day when I logged in and all of my relics had turned into different shards, and sad that I had sold tons of them before the switch. It turned out fine in the end since I have at least 12 of them all except the Shard of Integrity, but I know the day after I sell all of my extra rares we'll all be allowed to use 8 of each card.