You do not have to be rude, I got your message.
Sorry, only the frst line was meant for, frankly, rudeness because i feel your word does describe the tone i put in there.
But still, I was serious about testing decks, you never know (well i don't) wat will work well together. Also, i was serious about the duel thing, it's fun to play thing game without concerning myself over it counting towards a loss.
And as for the 'find other games' that kinda didn't come out right because of the inital tone, I meant that while your waiting, casually playing this game, that other games are also out there while the ones in development are still at a bit of a standstill.
Your english is good. The work ethic thing came out wrong, and my mind kinda forgot to register that you did say you worked on wiki anyway (bravo, read my post in the workshop section plz, you seem like on of the people who can help with the issue of finding out the selling prices of upgraded cards) but my intent in saying what i did say is that if work is done, it should at least help someone or have the person foing the work be paid accordingly, to support themselves.
And lastly, I really can't turn my sarcasm off, I can down tone it, and I'm sorry I did not attempt to
P.S. I was serious about that duel thing.
P.P.S. I just read over my post again and found about three other things to apologize for. Five. I'll apologize about all those other things too if you want me to, i think i covered the majority of the worst parts.
P.P.P.S. I just noticed, although the little marks saying sarcam off/on on your post did irratate me, i completly failed to register their meaning. Please ignore the sections above i posted that are irrelavet due to myself just realizing that.