Emerald Shield article is up!
http://elementscommunity.org/wiki/Emerald_ShieldThoughts: You guys really are cruel aren't you? Making me write articles for hard-to-write cards. Especially since Forest Scorpion was leading earlier. Speaking of which, has voting decreased? I remember like 50 votes during the first poll but only 30 this time. Anyways, onto the card. Shield cards are always a bit harder to write for since there often aren't many synergies or decks using it. Emerald Shield as well is also one of the lesser used shields. Personally, I feel that Jade Shield is a bit UP since the dr goes from 1->2 along with upgrade, but it gains 2

casting cost. Ice shield goes from 1->2 dr with upgrade and it's only 1

. Shield goes from 1->2 dr with upgrade for 4

~= 1-2

. Anyways, again with decksleuthing. Decksleuthing is probably one of the hardest things to do. Ironically, I think I found more decks making use of Emerald Shield than scorpions. Another ironic point was how I could hardly find any decks using emerald, most decks used Jade, and so that's why the decks there are upgraded. I don't what to feel, but I personally believe it'd be better if more unupgraded decks were able to be found and put on the wiki so that newer players can use them.
This week fire polls will be up. I wonder which article you'd want to see.