Hello every one !
After seeing lot of things about this deck and hear a lot of stupidity I felt like I needed to start this thread. This is created to learn to you how to build a good RoL/hope and win tons of upped cards (and money if you sell them).
First of all, This thread isn't for player who just start the game, for the beginning you have lot of good thread or idea to build an unupped AI3 farmer and complete the first quest, this thread concern player who have complete all the quest, have some rare (especially 3 lobotomiser) and can afford some uppgrade (at least 6 cards IE you need 9000

What is RoL/Hope Fractal? Fractal : fill your hand with copy of the target creature. Is here to be used on the ray of light.
Rol : AKA ray of light. This is the upped version of photon. it is an 1/1 light emitting creature. It cost 0 So it is a perfect target for a fractal
Hope : the light shield, it prevent one damage per creature with light you have on the field.
So now I think you're sarting to understand what is the aim of the deck : Play fractal on a RoL then fill the fiel with them, play a Hope and look at your opponent raging, behind your awesome shield.
So you will ask me
Why would I build a RoL/hope deck ?Simple : this deck works with only 6 upped cards and have a the highest win rate for a deck with so few upped cards. Moreover this is the fastest deck to gain cards.
For my part after slaying thousands FG I think it is true to consider that this deck is THE BEST to farm FG for rare cards, and thus beeing able to build every deck you want.
So lets begin with
the first deck you'll build.5la 5la 5lk 5lk 5lk 5lk 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61u 61u 61u 622 622 622 622 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp
I think there are 2 difficulty :
you need 3 rare

weapon : the lobotomiser. you NEED them, because they can give you very easy wins vs FG who are impossible or almost without them (osiris, fire queen, Dark matter, Gemini..). You can get them after completing the 500 score quest or if you farm the bronze league in arena.
You need 6 upped

cards : The ray of light. They are really needed, if it is not obvious for you, it is because you hadn't noticed that only the upped version of photon have the ligth capacity, thus only the RoL count for the Hope shield. To get them one solution : farm hard, kill the FG when you get them from the oracle and sell the useless cards you win even if they are rare (except pulvy, eternity or trident maybe they are rare/usefull) you won't regret your cards when you see how fast you will win news upped cards !
Then for the unupped version I don't see lot of choice in deckbuilding. I advise you to play this deck until you have enough money to get the full or almost full upped deck.
This deck is quite simple :
_ The combo :
4 Hope : because you really need them but having more than one is useless.
5 fractal : Key cards too but having too much in starting hand is bad. 5 is fine.
6 RoL : because you want tons of RoL
_ 3 electrocutor, a very usefull card as I said.
_ 2 dragon : because RoL aren't enough to put 200 damage, keep one fractal for him it will kill your opponent very quickly.
_ 12 pillars/pends : you need to play fractal quickly so you need those pillars. the split is to make seism, dream catcher and every deck with EQ easier.
When you play this deck there are no special tip but here are some advices :
_ Don't play all your RoL before fractal if your opponent have/might have individual CC. After fractal you can play them all.
_ If your opponent have massive CC like Rain of Fire or thunderstorm keep some RoL in hand.
_ you can fractal your opponent RoL too, or even his dragon, archangel or crusader.
_ to avoid miracle you need to use fractal before your opponent use it. The AI use miracle when is HP are < your potential damage (the yellow bar) + 12. make maths to avoid miracle.
_ if you have 5

quanta and 2 RoL in play, fractal and hope in hand and enough quanta to play fractal here is a good idea : wait a turn to play fractal, if you do this you can play hope first and have an extra RoL. Anyway playing fractal the turn before won't allow you to play Hope earlier.
_ Usually play your lobotomiser before fractal, except vs Serket for example..
_ Don't fill your field with RoL, you will need critters to kill your opponent. estimate how much RoL are needed to survive.
So then I'll Give you the uppgrade order :
1) towers/pends : yeah it make the deck really faster so uppgrading them is a very good idea.
2) lobotomiser -> electrocutor : -1 cost for each activation make a really big difference trust me.
3) fractal
4) dragon/archangel/crusader : depending which one you wanna play.
5) shards/sanc : for the final build. Let see the next part for better undesrtanding !
Second part : play the deck uppgraded [/u]
So firstly, I'll define the deck in 2 parts : the bone IE the cards which are needed and the rest, to make the deck more fun/better/personnal.
1) The bone :
808 808 808 808 81q 81q 81q 81q 5lk 5lk 5lk 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 80e 80e 80e
For me a RoL Hope deck MUST contain those cards, in order to win the most games possible.
2) The adds :
a) The kill : you need 2 examplar of a

creature, who can be fractaled and kill you opponent faster than the RoL IE any creature with more than one attack

We have 3 good options :
_ The crusader 3/5 for 5

, He can take any weapon's attack and capacity. Very good vs god with good weapon like vamp dagger, titan or arsenic. He strikes hard but need to survive one turn and delaying shield are boring when you use them..
_ The archangel : 7/7 for 6

with the healcapacity, they strike extremely fast and can allow kill turn 7. Moreover their capacity isn't totally useless : it can be usefull to heal your angel when they are poisonned or damaged but always alive. Moreover they have higher priority than the RoL if your opponent have a lobotomiser so than can help.
_ The light dragon :upped they are 12/12 for 13

, quite awesome they are strong and strike hard but they have a very high cost, They are better than angel in the long game when your opponent have healing. they are really usefull if you run a light nymph too because they will become light emmiting creature too and allow you too play not too much RoL.
The unupped one is 10/10 for 12

, pretty good critter to but I think that 1 quanta really worth the +2/+2 bonus so if you can afford upped dragon, do it!
b) Healing : Not necessary but can save game/give EM. really usefull vs deck with poison or titan. Usually you use 3/4 of them. Again we some choice :
_ Light nymph : If you have one it heal better than SoG or sanc but cost a lot and can be killed/lobo'd. Better if you use dragon in your deck. I advise you to play one at max.
_ Sanctuary : A wonderfull card, heal 4 per turns and prevent cards you don't like at all : discord and nightmare. Stop silence and BH too but it's less important I think. The only matter is that it can't be played before playing RoL.
_ SoG : not so good now.. 3HP per turn aren't a lot and sanctuary looks way better now.
_miracle : really different, but can be very usefull and use all your unused light quanta. The matter is that it takes plaxce in hand in the early game so your fractal will give you -1 RoL.. I'm not found of it but that can be a good choice.
And... nothing in fact this deck is really simple in fact ! You just have to use the bone and then customise your own RoL/Hope. For players who lack imagination or want a good base, here are some decks who actually works vs FG :
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6rn 6rn 6rn 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7ju 7ju 7k4 7k4 7k4 808 808 808 808 80e 80e 80e 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 81q 81q 81q 81q 8pu
This deck has been designed by Higurashi. I think the best version who exist
5lk 5lk 5lk 5lk 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7jq 808 808 808 808 808 81q 81q 81q 81q 80e 80e 80e 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 7kc
The most basic version, very simple to play, fastest farmer ever
5lk 5lk 5lk 6rn 6rn 6rn 6qq 6qq 6qq 71a 7tb 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7k5 7k5 808 808 808 808 81q 81q 81q 81q 80e 80e 80e 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i
The funniest version ever and very efficient too ! Maligant, genius among the genius builded it ! The vampire crusader can overheal almost everything and 8 crusader with poison ability will kill any FG quickly !
So here comes the god by god breakdown/advices :
FG farming tips:- keep the FG decks topic (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7919.0.html) opened while playing if you don't know what cards they have.
Hard. He can get damage out VERY fast and have momentum to kill you even if you have a hope in the game. MOreover he uses Titan and Chimera so you can die even if the game looks very good for you. Still beatable with an early lobo and if you set up quickly and keep having a big amount of HP. High drop rate make it worth to try Medium. This Match is really based on luck in fact, if he get a big mutant early, or a mutan with devourer and if you don't have lobo it may be hard. Moreover he can steal your lobo and lobo your RoL which is bad too. AND he play a fu**ing shield so take care to keep a lot of creature slots open to outdamage the shieldMedium/easy. with a early lobo and a fews towers/pend in hand the game will be very smooth for you. Just lobo everything and put some healing. Think that fractaling is archangel is a good way to kill him if you don't have your crittr when you need. Weird. Medium. Actually games vs decay are likely to be long. Set up an hope quickly and don't play lobo until he have one. If you set up an hope he will fractal your RoL instead of his devourer and will have no more creature slot. Then you have to take care about his 4 steal (try to give him tower maybe..) and his duck mantle which can lead you to deck out. The high drop rate make it worthy to try tooEasy. Though he have lot of rewind but nothing really dangerous. Sometimes he will get enormous creature but you can play 23 RoL because he doesn't have shield.Very easy. No CC and pretty slow. when you have 8 RoL + a hope in the game he just can't kill you. Reach a bog amount of quanta and fractal a critter to kill him before he uses miracle.Medium/hard. Discord isn't your friend at all. Your aim here is to set up quickly. If you have a 6 power hope you're in a fairly good sitation. Take care about his entropy nymph. If he play one just play 10 RoL and wait until you have enough quanta to fractal your critter an dplay 8 of them, he must die before playing enough AM.Medium. LOBO help a lot here, specially because he dosen't have PC. Lobo forest specter before he quint them and lobo ulitharid quickly too. The quicker the game is, the better it is too. take care of healing because he can deck you out if you let him having too much creature/bond.Hard.Still you have a chance : if you have set up a hope the AI will fractal your own RoL instead of phoenix. Take care of firestorm. My advice here is bait explosion with Lobo and play only 4 RoL to stop all phoenix. If he plays a dragon plays your shard or sanc and try to outheal the damage. if he get 2 dragons you can try to play all RoL -1 in case of rain of fire. Always keep one RoL in hand and try to keep having 4 on the field, except if you have 2 fractal you can fractal them and keep only one in hand to get some light quanta. Play every critters you have to kill him.Hard. He has 12 feral bond and a annoying shield. if you can't rush him you'll deck out so I recommand a skipMedium/easy. With an early lobo she is very easy : just lobo every queen and win. Without lobo it'll be very very hard..Pure luck. Lobo every momentum creature and pry that he will not be able to chain shield until you deck out0 The game is gonna be long.SKIP. oty, fire strom, growing creature; momentum, titan, PC.. he is the devilMedium. Hope he will waste his rage elixir and liquid shadow on your rol. Try to kill him through his crappy duck mantle. You must set up quickly because his rsh is pretty fast.Hard/Impossible. If he play a fire shield just quit. Otherwise try to lobo all his growing creature and set up a shield.. He also have Rain of Fire AND big creature.. Very hard I recommand a skipEasy/Medium. With an early lobo this FG is just a joke : lobo all virus/parasite and look at his useless vampire/dagger/bonewall. If you don't have lobo try to stay with 6 RoL on the field and accept that they will all die every time he draw a virus.Hard. If he get quinted blue nymph jus skip. Otherwise try to outrush her. Ice shield is boring but you can win the game if she get bad nymph. I recommand you to keep lobo in hand because she will steal it and lobo your RoL.Easy. just spam RoL and keep a fractal for finish. consider fractaling crusader if you don't draw your critter. Shield is boring but you must deal with it.Easy. He can rush with a blessed dragon or wyrm. But most of the time you'll manage to set up before. Then wait until he is pretty low on HP and fractal your critter to kill him before he use miracle. Don't forget you can fractal his dragonMedium. Plague are dangerous as poison counter. You'll need some heal. Don't play all your RoL but play enough to stop most of his damage. Lobo helps a lot here.Hard/impossible. I recommand a skip but you still can beat him with a lot of healing.. Innundation will screw you, ice shield is hard to pass with only 7 creature. I recommand to play 4 RoL and 1 dragon. if you have a nymph having 6 light emitting dragon and a nymph can give you an easy win. Lobo all the squids.Medium. Lobo helps a lot if you lobo early momentum creature. The matter is that He'll destroy your lobo with pulvy.. The game is pretty based on luck..Skip. Fire shield and half of his deck are unstable gaz.. Your RoL are just going to be destroyed.Easy/medium. You need lobo early in fact, then the game is just easy and you look at him dying slowly. No lobo and you loose though.Easy. Nothing special just take care from his miracle and use fractal to avoid that. You can fractal his own RoL if you don't have in hand.Medium. he is the hardest FG but is really beatable with this deck. You'll need to fractal 4 times yor RoL I guess because he will kill A LOT of them. If you manage to keep a lobo on the field a few turn it will help a lot. He use miracle so use fractal to avoid it or you are very likely to loose.Medium. lobo help a lot when you are set up lobo all chrysoara in priority, then squid. Healing is very usefull in this match. Permafrost will slow youMedium. His damage output is rather slow so you have time to set up. He is the reason why you play tower and pends. Never play more than one of each, just wait that seism use EQ on them before adding a second. when you have 13 RoL on the field you are done : seism can't damage you. He play granite skin but if you fractal your critter before he use it he will not play it (play as if he had miracle).Medium. If you have a shield with 8 counter he will never damage you again. You still have to survive again the poison. Games are usually fast I killed him in 7 seven turns many time. You just have to set up really quickly and you'll win !
This is just a try to help player to build and play the best RoL hope possible and to allow players to discover the best FG farmer.
If you have comment/suggest/critics/remarqs just post here.
Pliz don't forget to poll if you think this thread is intersting.
I hope this help ! hf and gg to every one.
(if I didn't post at the good place just moove my post).