There exists a way to calculate probability averages for many aspects of decks. It just takes enormous amount of work to do, but it
is possible to give scientific answer to questions like how much quanta 10 tower deck produces on average game, or how many turns does it take for Ultimate Speed EM (,10563.0.html) deck to win without opposition.
The model works no doubt best for mono decks with simple damaging creatures and towers. It can answer questions like whether mono death mummy rush (,10503.0.html) or Shrieker rush (,482.0.html) is actually faster.
The model itself is pretty simple:
1. First we calculate average number of towers in opening hand (auto-mulligan included)
2. Creatures in opening hand = cards in opening hand - towers
3. Creature composition probability comes from deck composition.
Here we have determined average opening hand. Next phase is to play all towers and keep drawing one card at the time from deck.
Logic goes:
Get quanta -> play creatures -> creature damage / remaining health = turns to win.
Trick here is to start calculation from end towards start, because we want to minimize turns to win. There are no decimals! Excess damage should go to improve deck's reliability i.e. chance to draw the right things.
The math. Here's where I have to let you guys down. It's been several years since I studied probability math in high school. There are two big projects to undertake. One is to calculate average quanta on turn-to-turn basis. The other one is to calculate accumulating creature damage.
Quanta gain:30 size deck with 10 pillars
Let's say average starting hand has 3 pillars
Turn 1: 0 quanta
Turn 2: 3 quanta (chance to draw pillar 7/23)
How to calculate the result depends whether or not the player draws pillar next turn, which in turn affects subsequent probabilities. It's possible to calculate these averages without infinitely complex probability tree, I just don't remember how.