You could *perhaps* get more blitzes by drawing QTs from your deck and having all of them give you 3 each., then when you have enough to blitz, draw a blitz.
You're absolutely right! 3 QTs and a blitz sure beats 4 supernovas or 8 wind towers.
Start out with the same setup as before except we have 22 nymphs instead of 20 (Pushing this to the limit!)
1. Play the initial blitz (#1)
2. Mindgate 3 QTs, play a blitz (#2)
3. Repeat step 2 four more times (#3, #4, #5, #6). Now we're out of mindgates.
4. Nymph 3 QT, play a blitz (#7). Do the same thing again (#8). 16 nymphs left, and no more blitzes in hand.
5. Nymph 3 QT and a blitz, play them (#9).
6. Repeat step 5 three more times (#10, #11, #12).
Our little photon has doubled his attack 12 times to a whopping 4096