Super short reviews only as I want to spend the major part of the time on actually testing.
Good, but an exact copy of "Quantaless Elemental" which was submitted way before. Downvote.
Crap describtion, -100% rating. But actually a fun deck: 10 HP Immorush with BW and Soulcatchers. Would need rework, but the basic idea is great. Upvote.
No describtion, uninspired Death/Entropy duo. Downvote.
Way too strong, but won't include that in my rating. A stallish Forest Spirit deck... Not too bad, but blunt anda bit lame. Downvote.
Lake Gelida:
Just a Water/Life duo based on Forest Spirit again, but well executed this time. Even though it is concurrence for my "Apprentice of Life": Upvote.
Mono Dark. Not too standard with Gargoyles (and I expect Cloaks, even though none were played in my game), but that's not enough. Downvote.
Graviton Engineer:
Oh, one of Tree's decks, and one of the better ones. A friendly DBH with a good atmosphere, that's an accomplishment. :p Upvote.
Would downvote for the name alone. Gotp, Dim Shields, Dune Scorpions and probably (!) SoW which the AI doesn't play on mortal creatures though of course.... bad deck. Downvote.
Legionary v2:
Crusader, Warden, Blessing, Photon, Shield, (Sword?). No too usual combo, underused cards, card variety - would make a good NPC deck. Upvote.
Stallish mono Earth. Not too bad, but see 'Shade'. Downvote.
Peon Skull Shield:
I novote most Peon decks, but I knew this one already and it's my absolute favourite. Describtion is short, but perfect, and the deck is innovative, neither too strong nor too weak, have to: Upvote.
[As I read my votes so far, it looks like I, with one exception, always downvote one, then upvote one... that's just a huge coincidence. oO]
Farmer Joe:
Very uninspired mono Life. Downvote.
Vampire + Adrenaline is such a standard combo, probably submitted 15 times already, that I expect a good name, good lore, good quanta balance and maybe a bit of variety in the deck to upvote it... this deck had none of that. Downvote.
Good, but even if it's supposed to be ~AI0 it could use a tiny bit more of a punch... Can't decide. Novote.
Peon Titanum Shield:
The shield decks seem to be the best out of this series. :p Mitosis Gnome Rider and EA'd Titanum Shield and Empathic Bonds. As with all good decks of the Peon series, I'd really prefer having this as a deck for its on... well. Upvote.
Burning Newbie
Mono Fire with a crap describtion. Downvote.
30 cards 24 Time Pillars 6 Golden Nymphs all upped... nope. Downvote.
Gargoyle Guardian I
LS'd Gargoyles. Not bad, but 'Renfield' simply does the same thing and feels more like an AI deck. Again, not bad, but: Downvote.
Eagle Demon
No lore, good deck idea, but it's an Arena deck, not an AI deck. Rework and upvote... for now: Downvote.
Little Bow
Too similar to 'Quantaless Elemental' that I'd upvote more than one, and the latter is simply better. Downvote.
Luminiferous Newbie
Oh my god, there's actually a series of this? KILL IT WITH DOWNVOTES!
Unsuspecting Peasant
Well, again, this could use more punch even as an AI0 deck imo, but apart from that: This is how to create an actual AI deck. Upvote.
Quantum Pillar, Weapons of all colours, Darkness Mark, Steals. Perfectly fitting lore explaining the deck with atmosphere. One of the best so far. Upvote.
Standard mono Aether. Downvote.
Mono Fire, and not even an unusual one. Downvote.
Wanderer V2
Too similar (and inferior) to 'Thief' to upvote, not bad enough in comparison to most other decks to downvote. Novote.
Not incredibly bad, but I encountered at least 5 decks already that had a similar idea (All Entropy RNG cards, basically) and were much more fun and well built. Downvote.
Lovely Poison
Almost only Deathstalker + Momentum. Not lovely at all. Downvote.