Round 2 : Mage Training
Round is over!Rest awhile, folks. You did well in warrior training.
Now I shall teach you another way to overcome the foes that await you in the wilderness.
Mighty spells are a powerful asset of any who seeks treasures, be it the power of healing, the deadly flames, or the power of destorying things.
Today you will try them and see if they fit your style. You can help yourselves to some arcane scrolls from my library.
But as every experienced adventurer knows, the weak point of a mage is that he evetually runs out of spells. That is why the prepared mages will have something extra when that moment comes- something that may yet save their lives. Some will turn to weapons, but there is a much more convenient way. No doubt if you spend the time to study the arcane arts, you will come upon recipes of potent magical potions. An adept mage shuld not only be able to cast spells, but also to brew them. You will learn the art of brewing someday, but for now, you can use the ones I accumulated over the years. They are over there in the corner.
Oh, and you can use what you learned yesterday, but don't overdo it. Today's focus is spells and potions, you see.
This will be the last day of lecturing. If you do well in today's challenge, tomorrow I will send you out to the wilderness to prove yourselves. How? I will not tell until tomorrow... If you survive that long, that is.
Standings:1. Dragoon, kev, pervepic: 3 points
2. Commandaguy, treebeard xiii, Laxadarap, Jenkar: 2 points
3. summerz88, nensuru: 1 point
4. TribalTrouble, Elbrin, bjessee: 0 points
Matchups:Pairings were determined by
Nobody plays against the same opponent as last round
Laxadarap -
CommandaguyElbirn -
summerz88kev -
DragoonTribalTrouble -
bjesseepervepic -
treebeard xiiinensuru -
JenkarIf a player doesn't show up, then his/her opponent will play versus me. If two players don't show up, their opponents will play versus each other.
Contact your opponent via PM, or in chat, and make the duel happen until the timer runs out. Both the winner and loser must post results and decklist in this topic.
Deckbuilding rules:- No upgraded cards, no shards and no Nymphs allowed.
- All decks must contain at least 3 alchemy cards
- All decks must contain at least 3 spell cards
- Decks cannot contain more than 1 weapon and 2 shields.
FAQ: What are the alchemy cards?
The alchemy cards are the "potions", which each element has 1 of. Technically, most of them are spells (with Unstable gas being the only permanent), but for this round, they count as a separate category. That means that alchemy cards DO NOT count towards the mandatory 3 spell cards.
Scoring:Duels are best of 3.
Players will earn points based on their performance as follows:
Winning 2-0 earns you 3 points
Winning 2-1 earns you 2 points
Losing 1-2 earns you 1 point (You earn 1 point even if you lost, provided you won at least 1 game)
Losing 0-2 earns zero points.
Rule of the round: "Patient mage"If you deck out your opponent with a
creatureless deck, you win an extra point. If you decide to play such a deck, then you can play a
maximum of 4 shields in it.
Requirement: Post a picture where it is your turn and the opponent has no cards in their deck.
Note that you only earn 1 extra point, even if you win both your games by deckout.
Good luck everyone!