this topic describes things ive been thinking about a lot lately. look everywhere, you cant find another good free game that isnt a pay to win. ive been enjoying this game for years, and donated a couple times. right now i would very much like to donate to support Zanz. heck id BUY the game.
but this discussion has pointed out one serious problem with making money off silly cosmetic things. for example, League of Legends and Team Fortress 2 have character models that you get to stare at all the time (and control). this game has cards, and while foils help CCGs like MTG give more value and collectibility to their card packs, its actually very unimportant for the online version of the game. the holographic effect just isnt that important unless you are holding them and having real light reflect off them. alternate card art increases the value of cards compared to other cards, but these are based on people paying money in the first place. the value of one art versus another art in a free game wont do much, they both exist and price is a non issue. comparing paying for one art collection but another collection being naturally free is apples to oranges. in short, online CCGs need some other kind of cosmetic gimmick to go with. but what is appropriate?
donations for shards and nymphs slightly smacked of pay to win, as there are some that are virtually impossible to get without years of good luck or being gifted them via not-in-game events. so what else is there?
special card backs (think solitaire) possibly with an element of your choice as the design? it would change the backs of opponent cards maybe? elements themed design choices for the play area?