Okay, completely crazy idea, but what if there was more than one way to play elements? I am not suggesting a complete redesign of the card base, but simply a different way to implement it.
We have killing and decking the opponent as ways to defeat him. What if the aim of the game was more sporty than violent?
Here would be a quick example:
Game type - Dominion
-Gain points by having more creatures on the field than your opponent. You gain points equal to the number of creatures you have more than your opponent.
Time limit - 20 turns
-The game ends once both players have 20 turns.
Score Limit - 50 points
The game ends when one players has a total of 50 points.
Player Health - 100HP
When a player's health reaches 0, they receive a point penalty, and their health is restored. If the full penalty cannot be paid, the opponent gains the remainder. The penalty may increase with subsequent deaths.
Penalty - 10 points
Penalty increase - 5 points
All game type attributes are subject to change due to balance between deck styles.
I can understand it is an idea with a lot of kinks. It's also just a thought that I wanted to put out there.