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Re: A reason to farm half Bloods (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2012, 09:16:02 pm »
I agree... They don't feel like something between AI3 and FG at all, they feel like slightly weaker FGs.

Offline Poker AlhoTopic starter

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Re: A reason to farm half Bloods (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2012, 09:19:17 pm »
alright i've added a poll just to see what people want please vote! :)


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Re: A reason to farm half Bloods (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2012, 06:38:17 pm »
I'd like a new reason to play halfbloods, such as tough to find rares or even no find rares only found on half bloods (but don't go crazy, no turning them into farms specifically for rares).

At this point, I believe some folks still do AI3 for score and most do FGs for the 1k cards they give about 28% of the time. But for FGs, a lot of the cards are usable in various decks and the few remaining are sold for a nice profit to buy the upgrades for the other decks typically on cards that can't be won or are not won very often (think pendulums or towers).

I'd like half bloods to turn into a smaller stepping stone, such as going from AI2 to AI3, it doesn't take a lot of work to get a working deck and the decks are somewhat useful for early arena/pvp1 (sometimes pvp2 if going for speed kills).

Imagine an AI4 that (as somewhat suggested by other folks) that only has 1 draw and 2 quantra or even 150 hp, yes yes...or both.

I'd love to see shards and weapons (unupped) as the rewards for HBs that are based off of them using those things. The one down side is that most AI using weapons is either insanely difficult to plan a normal deck around, or very specialized such as Divine Glory. Of course, there are plenty of decks that can run circles around DG that isn't a DG only deck.

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Re: A reason to farm half Bloods (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2012, 07:06:35 pm »
I'd like a new reason to play halfbloods, such as tough to find rares or even no find rares only found on half bloods (but don't go crazy, no turning them into farms specifically for rares).

At this point, I believe some folks still do AI3 for score and most do FGs for the 1k cards they give about 28% of the time. But for FGs, a lot of the cards are usable in various decks and the few remaining are sold for a nice profit to buy the upgrades for the other decks typically on cards that can't be won or are not won very often (think pendulums or towers).

I'd like half bloods to turn into a smaller stepping stone, such as going from AI2 to AI3, it doesn't take a lot of work to get a working deck and the decks are somewhat useful for early arena/pvp1 (sometimes pvp2 if going for speed kills).

Imagine an AI4 that (as somewhat suggested by other folks) that only has 1 draw and 2 quantra or even 150 hp, yes yes...or both.

I'd love to see shards and weapons (unupped) as the rewards for HBs that are based off of them using those things. The one down side is that most AI using weapons is either insanely difficult to plan a normal deck around, or very specialized such as Divine Glory. Of course, there are plenty of decks that can run circles around DG that isn't a DG only deck.
dont agree on being able to win rares out of Half Bloods as a purpose for them arena is there exactly for that purpose, to farm rares everytime you go there but not nearly as easily as when T50 existed, where rare farms were everywhere and rares werent rares anymore

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Re: A reason to farm half Bloods (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2012, 07:22:55 pm »
Farming FG's is well payed option in game.

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Re: A reason to farm half Bloods (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2012, 09:48:56 pm »
I voted for 'weaker half-bloods'.  I'd like to see them distinguished from FGs in terms of mark/hp.  That means either nerfing halfbloods or buffing FGs, either of which I'd be fine with.  Right now, the two differences between halfbloods and FGs are 1) false gods have preconstructed decks and halfbloods have random decks, and 2) halfbloods only double draw when they are low on cards in hand (I think 2 or less? I forget now)

