Such a long read. I appreciate all the hard work, but it could have been worked around better. Right now I just hunt what I want to read between all that wall of text, and that's kind of hard to do. Seems exceedingly cluttered.
I think it's nice as it is,
I'm not saying it's not nice, I'm just saying it's cluttered. You click the page and I personally get the lag from the huge Picture that could have very well been hidden in a spoiler or some of the kind.
Then we start going down and we notice several tables which, the only connection they have to eachother is the fact that they are all competitions, and could be labelled as such ( You're here for war? Click the Spoiler saying "War" on it, and ta-da, you have war. Want all around competitions? Click "Competitions" spoiler to see what Happened in the latest Tournaments, Competitions, PVP Events, and what is still going on with the Leagues!)
After these tables are over, we come across a portion that could have easily been pushed into a different post or to the end of the newsletter due to being relatively meaningless to Community News (Isn't this what this is, after all?) about "You" and Comic Sans, and helping out the newsletter -- That could easily come in a spoiler as well or have been moved to the end of the post completely.
Right below we have the interview, that for some reason has Chapuz' avatar in a spoiler although that isn't necessary - After all, if you're going to put it into a spoiler, placing the bigger parts of the Newsletter into Spoilers as I have already said shouldn't be such a big issue either way.
Then we go down to News, which are kind of cool (Except for the New Members that I see absolutely no relation and no relative importance to be there), and right below it we see the deck of the month, which again could be cluttered into a spoiler for those that just want to hunt for the deck of the month. Or at the very least, the review itself, which already has a few portions of it Spoilered (Such as the Playable FG's and some other things.)
And last but not least, we see the Card, which again adds more images to load and contains a heavy explanation that I personally consider an eyesore to read due to my dislike for card mechanics that, again, could fit into a spoiler -- or at the very least the "Duo Possibilities" since the card is not in the game anyway. You could even mix that in with a "Have an interesting deck idea with this card? Send it to the Newsletter Writers..."
I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying that it currently feels like a pain to try to read it all and that the loading times are pretty harsh, too. Having it sectioned out better would help make it easier to read, which as it stands, is what I dislike the most about the newsletter.