End of Year Forum Awards 2013Voting
You were there, you looked back, you nominated! (Or maybe not, actually.) But whatever you did, now is time for something simpler - Voting! Just go ahead and pick your options on the above polls. (There's no way you could have missed them, right?)
If there is a tie, we will move towards a tie-breaker. (Well... No wonder, right?)
You can change your vote, so don't worry if you suddenly change your mind and click away.
Yes, we know what you're thinking. "I don't remember a lot of these threads, do I have to search them all up?!" Fret not; here are the nominations and their respective links to both user and topic! The number beside of it is the amount of times nominated. No number means one nomination.
MEMBERSFavourite Community Member
Congratulations to
Favourite New Member
Congratulations to
Staff Member of the Year
Congratulations to
antiaverage! (... Leave some winning spots to us peasants d00d)
TOPICSBest Overall Topic of the Year
Decks Used Against Arena With Stats 1.32 won, probably no big surprise, huh? Congratulations to everyone who has helped out with that study somehow! (And let's not forget to thanks
ColorlessGreen for handling it. It's unrelated, but hey.)
PvP World Championship won! Did you know the
finals are here? Watch them when they come around. Good luck to both participants.
Favourite Competition
Brawl won! That was a close finish, huh? If you guys liked brawl that much, then do us all a favor and participate in the upcoming Brawl! They're already taking
Boss Applications!
PvP Player of the Year
dragonsdemesne has been winning leagues for a while. He's still around in them -- feel like dueling the PvP Player of the Year of 2013? Easy find.(Leagues are fun, too.)
Favourite Tournament
Plants vs Zombies was so damn popular we had another one early 2014. Did you join it?
CARDS & ARTFavourite Card Idea
Anteosaurus won. Rawr.
Favourite Elements-related Art
Congratulations to
antiaverage's MS Paint Foil Chimera!
DECKSFavourite AI Deck
Swallow won, because we all know gravity is the best element..
... No, seriously though, congratulations to the deck and obviously to the creator
Q: My nomination isn't in the spoilers or in the polls. WTF happened?
A: We cleared the nominations that didn't fit the rules of being in 2013 and only placed the valid ones up there. If any of your other submissions didn't make it it's very likely that they weren't valid for what you submitted them for.
Q: Dm, I don't see the Elements Card Art poll. What happened?
A: Well, about that, only one nomination was valid, so we already listed it under winners. (Did you miss it?)
A: Polls with 4 or under submissions have only one possible vote. Polls with over four submissions have two possible votes.