| January 2018 | | War is nearing the end! PvP Events restart! Happy New year elementals! |
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- The End of War is nearing as we reach the final turn of the racetrack that has been this amazing event. 3 teams remain alive with the highly expected Water and Air holding the top 2 spots, and an unexpected Life on their heels in 3rd. There is still a close race between these final 3 teams with only a difference of 69 cards between them, meaning anything could happen in the following rounds.
- The EtG World Championships are currently in the Top 4 Phase as we watch the semi-finalists battle for the chance at glory and fame. Watch them make their mark on the forum as they fight for the chance to prove their selves.
- Sideboard has found it's way back into the forum with it's fourth iteration of this event. Sign-ups have just concluded, and now the participants are entering the first rounds of battle where anything could happen as players have locked in pre-selected decks during the sign-up phase.
- Elements Day has been and gone and now it's time for you to vote on which is best. A world of balance, or a flock of phoenixes? It's up to you!
- With the competition coming to an end, a new competition will need to surface it's head. Go make a suggestion in the Post Your Competition Ideas thread and let the COs know what you want next. They are sure to enjoy any suggestions whether they are new ideas, or repeats of old competitions you want to see brought back and used again.
- With war ongoing, it is understandable that you may have missed the excitement going on in the competition section. Sign up today for the Competition Mailing Lists and be notified of the exciting competitions that are starting.
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- Have you ever built a stall, but lost to a bigger stall because you tried to optimize it? Well look no further as Dec. 3rd's tourney was all about Unoptimized Stalling. Congratz to phoenix1211 on the win.
- Flooding the board with creatures builds a strong offence. Fractal and Mitosis were required cards in Dec 9th's Flooding tournament. Congratz to RapidStar_ on the win.
- Everyone has a favorite element, but just how loyal is each person to that element? Putting that loyalty to the test was December 16th's tourney Loyalty. Congratz to Ryli on the win.
- Fate is but "the development of events beyond a person's control"(google dictionary). Fate was the name of the game in December 24th's tournament about fate eggs and holiday presents. Unfortunately not enough people made it for the tourney, and thus it was postponed for a later date.
- "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" can be such a catchy tune for so many to hear during the holidays. Keep thinking about it as the tourney for December 29th was Winter Wonderland (a.k.a. Ice Hell), and all decks featured some combination of freezes, arctic squids, ice shields, and ice bolts. Congratz to phoenix1211 on the win.
- Leagues will be up at mid Jan. Hang in there PVPers!
- For those who can't decide on their own restrictions, there are Weekly Featured Rules to tickle anyone's fancy! Just hop into chat and ask around for a match!
- With succulent Nymph/Mark and Electrum codes up for grabs, there's no reason NOT to jump into Leagues! It's a great way for new players to pick up the meta in preparation for war, or more experienced players to strut their stuff, or even try out some fun deck concoctions to see how they do! What's more, the max number of games per opponent has been increased to 15, and you no longer have to wait 20 hours between matches! Get involved now!
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- Nothing is currently going on in this section. Send you love here so that we may start playing Forum games again.
- Do you have any exciting ideas for new fun fresh Forum Games, or how about bringing back old classics that you would like to see played again? You should then go post in the Ideas and games transfer thread or discuss your game idea with the Forum Games Organizer(Linkcat).
All Over The Place!
- A neat little set of research polls have made their way into our off-topic section from our lovable dracomageat. Currently he has been asking about Soda drinks, but he could ask anything with his next set of polls.
- There was an attempt to have an EtG hunger games simulator going with forum members, but something didn't pan out with it so it lost energy. There has been some discussion about trying to adjust it into more of a forum game instead though. Feel free to help with the discussion in making it into a forum game, and we all look forward to a possible new game.
- DoctorC has blessed us with another holiday miracle, as he brought us a selection of artworks depicting another 9 forum members for the holidays. Take a look at these great artworks, and we look forward to another awesome set next holiday season.
- Congratz to our new PvP Event Organizer iancudorinmarian, we look forward to the awesome events you will bring us.
What's your favorite card in EtG and why?(MrMuffin)
My favorite card would have to be Voodoo Doll. I have so many fun memories of playing variations of It's a Trap! in PvP. It's such a fun card and it really screams 'tribal trouble'"
Are you a tree hugger?(DoctorC)
The last time I hugged a tree was when I was in gradeschool. Does that count?  How did you decide on your name? What's the story behind it?(Kalinuail)
A lot of thought went into it…
|  New Members
Spoiler for Introduction posts: Here are the members who posted in the Introduce Yourself board within the past month. Just click a certain name to be redirected to the corresponding introduction post. Don't be rude, say hello to newcomers! |
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink 4ve 4ve 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vl 4vl 4vl 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c0 5de 5de 5de 5de 5ia 6u5 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ag 7dm 7dm 8pj
Card by card:
Abomination: Abomination is an additional creature to help get damage out quickly, and use up excess entropy quanta.
Nova: One of the staples of quanta in this deck, allowing to help get the discord out faster, as well as providing quanta for the explosion and purify.
Discord: One of the key combo cards to help distract your opponent's quanta to allow yourself enough time to rush with your creatures.
Life Pillar: Another strong quanta supplier that generates enough life quanta to push out your giant frogs and cockatrices fast and early.
Life Pendulum: Very similar to the life pillar, the pend also helps generate some entropy quanta.
Cockatrice: Another creature to help pump out damage early and fast.
Purify: Allows for minimal healing if needed, but the main focus is to slow down poison and SoSac based decks.
Giant Frog: The key creature in this deck for getting out fast damage because it has the highest attack to cost ratio of the creatures in this deck.
Explosion: The only permanent control in this deck, will help slow down weapons in rushier decks, and destroys shields to keep your rush going fast.
Strategy: Speed and control are the two key aspects of this deck. The sooner you can push your discord out and scramble the opposing quanta you have potential to keep your creatures out longer for damaging the opponent and rushing them down. When prioritizing card play to maximize rush effectiveness, always play a frog before a cockatrice for maximum damage impact, and always play a discord before an abomination to slow down the opponents quanta availability.
Speed is a large strength of this deck, as it is fast. Also discord's quanta scramble control is also a high strength of this deck. Utilizing the quanta control and speed make this deck strong against slower decks with no defense to fast control.
Weaknesses: The creatures used in this deck are on the weaker side with lower health amounts. Even if your discord is able to scramble quanta a few low cost CC spells and some minor healing can really wreck this deck. This deck is also a war deck, so another limitation of it could be the available card pool that the team has to work with.
Alternative deck choices: Lightning Splash for more CC Nightmare Splash for more hand control Werewolf Splash for more rush and speed
Congratz to team life on a creative deck that managed to win several rounds, and we look forward to seeing more creative and effective decks from your teem.
Many thanks to: -TribalTrouble for the interview and the help. -CleanOnion for the help. -mathman101 for Deck idea of the month. -all readers for reading 